Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
diet for Sport should be somewhat similar to a diet for Health. diet for Sport should be somewhat xxxxsimilar to a diet for Health. calorie intake and food type should be chosen and adjusted to meet objectives calorie intake and food type should be xxxxchosen and adjusted to meet objectives your objectives determine your diet your objectives determine your diet Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
Pre-Race Pre-Race Post-Race & Post-Training Post-Race & Post-Training Body Fat Reduction Body Fat Reduction General Training General Training Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
carbohydrate load 1-2 days pre-race carbohydrate load 1-2 days pre-race carbohydrates 3-4 hours pre-race ( calories) carbohydrates 3-4 hours pre-race ( calories) drink plenty of water drink plenty of water dont eat gels immediately before the race dont eat gels immediately before the race Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
consume recovery drink within 30 minutes of finishing consume recovery drink within 30 minutes of finishing eat a Carbo & Protein meal within 2 hours post-race eat a Carbo & Protein meal within 2 hours post-race re-hydrate re-hydrate Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
eat a healthy nutritional diet eat a healthy nutritional diet knowledge of food types and nutrients knowledge of food types and nutrients calorie intake should reflect training level calorie intake should reflect training level Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc
Breakfast – Porridge, dried fruit, ground nuts, seeds and honey Lunch – protein (eggs/fish) vegetables, nuts, salad, fresh fruit Dinner – potato, sweet potato rice, pasta / fish, chicken, beef / vegetables, salad / fresh fruit, dried fruit Dinner – potato, sweet potato rice, pasta / fish, chicken, beef / xxxxxxxxxxxvegetables, salad / fresh fruit, dried fruit
Nicholas J Dinsdale BSc (Hons), MSc