Hitler and the Nazi Party Hitler was a veteran of World War I. After the war he became involved in politics and in 1923 attempted to seize power in Munich. Hitler’s political movement was the Nazi or National Socialist Party. The goals of Hitler and the party were set out in a book called Mein Kampf.
The Nazi Party The Nazis wished to overturn the Treaty of Versailles. promised prosperity and national unity. blamed the Weimar Government for many of Germany’s problems. held Germany’s Jews responsible for the economic situation.
Hitler Achieves Power After 1929 the economic situation allowed the Nazi party to increase its power base in the German Reichstag or parliament. By July of 1932 they held 230 seats and the Weimar Republic was near collapse. In January of 1933 an aging President Hindenburg was persuaded to appoint Hitler Chancellor. 1939 - 720,000 MEN 1932 - 100,000 MEN GERMANY ARMY
Hitler Achieves Power II The Nazi’s did not hold an overall majority but had sufficient support to form a government. Hitler’s rise to power had been completely legal. Hitler consolidated his power through the passage of an Enabling Law in March of 1933. 1939 - 3,200 PLANES 1932 - NIL GERMAN AIR FORCE
German Expansion After 1933 Hitler and the Nazi’s began to rearm Germany. German expansion included Austria in 1938 and by March of 1939 most of Czechoslovakia. Hitler’s final demand was territory from Poland.
Europe 1935 Britain Germany Poland France Austria Yugoslavia Spain Czechoslovakia France Austria Yugoslavia Spain Italy
Art and Literature in Canada 1920 -1939
Life in Canada 1920 -1939 The development of mass production allowed many Canadians to afford the purchase of an automobile. A Model-T Ford could be purchased in the mid 1920s for less than $400. Roads were improved and tourism as an industry rapidly expanded.
Life in Canada 1920 - 1939 The number of radio sets in use by Canadians expanded dramatically in the 1920s. The CBC was first formed in 1932 as the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission. This helped to reduce the powerful influence of American broadcasting.
The Movies It was, however, not possible to avoid the cultural impact of American movies on the silent screen. Mary Pickford, one of the most popular stars of the 1920s, was born a Canadian as were many other popular entertainers. The influence of Hollywood resulted in an increasing Amercanization of Canada. Mary Pickford
Canada and the World
The Great Depression and Canadian Isolationism The Depression years turned Canada away from Europe and its problems. R.B. Bennett became a strong advocate of Canadian nationalism but did not take an active role in world affairs. When Mackenzie King returned to power in 1935 he also adopted the American policy of isolationism.
Canada and the World after 1935 The growing power and aggressive policies of Germany, Italy and Japan were not of great interest to the Canadian government. Canada remained neutral during the Spanish Civil War and tried to prevent Canadians from enlisting to fight. Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany were not welcomed in Canada.
The End of the Great Depression The Canadian economy improved slowly after 1935 but it was the approaching threat of a new war which eventually began to stimulate Canadian manufacturing and resource industries.