Standard 5: Residency Teacher PESB Standards Standard 5: Residency Teacher
How Standards are Judged Standards are deemed unmet, met or exemplary. A standard is deemed ‘met’ if: A program offers credible evidence which is related to the standard being addressed. A program offers evidence which reflects the program. A program offers evidence from a multitude of sources. Some of the evidence is student- or candidate-based. The evidence as a whole is persuasive.
How Standards are Judged Continued A standard is deemed ‘exemplary’ if: All of the requirements under the ‘met’ rating are addressed. The requirements listed under met are addressed. The committee members demonstrate initiative by presenting cohesive, innovative data.
Standard 5: Residency Teacher This standard is concerning the teaching ability demonstrated by the candidate during the time of student teaching. This standard is primarily focused upon the candidate, with responsibilities belonging to the candidate mentors and instructors.
Assessment to Monitor Candidate Development Standard 1.iii Assessment to Monitor Candidate Development Candidates should be monitored by means of standards-based assessments. Faculty can correspond to develop assessments and instruct candidates how to reflect upon their own abilities and progress. Evidence includes self-reflections of candidates, supervisor commentary and clearly defined strategies for assessment and reflection.
Source for Information All information is paraphrased from the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) website.