Parallel Structure Examples and Non-Examples Common Core ELA Parallel Structure Examples and Non-Examples
Parallel Structure Parallel structure (also called parallelism) is the process of repeating a particular form within a sentence. Each part of your sentence should be consistent. Let’s look at some examples and non-examples.
The repetition of parallelism shows two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Example: The bowling ball was heavy, pink, and expensive. (It would be incorrect to say “the bowling ball was heavy, pink, and it was also expensive.”)
Infinitive Phrases Correct Example Non-Example Not Parallel Parallel Infinitive Phrases Non-Example Meg is going to donate to her favorite charity, volunteer at the homeless shelter, and running in a marathon. Correct Example Meg is going to donate to her favorite charity, volunteer at the homeless shelter, and run in a marathon. You may use "to" before all verbs in a sentence or before only the first one. Do not mix them.
Lists After a Colon Be sure to keep all the elements that occur in a list in the same form. Not Parallel The exchange student played many sports: soccer, racquetball, tennis, rugby, and he played hockey. Parallel The exchange student played many sports: soccer, racquetball, tennis, rugby, and hockey.
Non-Example Correct Example Not Parallel Parallel Non-Example Correct Example To excel at soccer, one should be good at running and to kick well. To excel at soccer, one should be good at running and kicking. At my wedding, I don’t want to dance the waltz but salsa. At my wedding, I don’t want to dance the waltz, but to dance the salsa. Not only is this car expensive but also not safe. Not only is this car expensive but it is also unsafe. The trip to Boise is neither a short one nor inexpensive. The trip to Boise is neither short nor inexpensive. Either you drive the boat or can clean the galley. Either you drive the boat or clean the galley.
Keep Lists After a Colon Parallel Be sure to keep all items in a list in parallel structure. Non-Parallel Example You should pick up the following items at the store: turkey, popcorn, canned spinach, and pick up a few pears. Correct Use of Parallelism Example You should pick up the following items at the store: turkey, popcorn, canned spinach, and a few pears.
1. We can be judicious and achieve honors in college. Non-Examples are in black. Corrections are in green. 1. We can be judicious and to achieve honors in college. 1. We can be judicious and achieve honors in college. 2. The captain trained her team how to be supportive, how to listen, how to cheer, and to help the team. 2. The captain trained her team how to be supportive, how to listen, how to cheer, and how to help the team.
Exit Ticket Correct these non examples by rewriting the sentences using parallel structure. 1. Mr. Martin’s speech assignment is both simple and it will be fun. 2. Genevieve and Stan will have a happy marriage, and a large family, and have a beautiful life together.
Exit Ticket Answers 1. Mr. Martin’s speech assignment is both simple and fun. 2. Genevieve and Stan will have a happy marriage, a large family, and a beautiful life together.
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