Station 1: Brachioradialus Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same hand. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Extend one hand palm up. Brachioradialus Stretch 1 Extend one hand palm up. Using the other hand grab the fingers of the hand with the palm up and push back towards your chest. You should feel a tightness in your upper arm when doing this stretch correctly.
Stretch 2 Kneel on the floor Brachioradialus Stretch 2 Kneel on the floor Place hands palm down with fingers facing your knees. Push at a downward angle on your hands. You should feel a stretch in your upper arms when doing this correctly.
Stretch 3 Stand with your back facing a doorway Brachioradialus Stretch 3 Stand with your back facing a doorway Turn your body slowly until you feel a small pull in the upper part of your arm. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat. This will feel slightly different than the other 2 stretches.
Station 2: Rectus Abdominus Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Rectus Abdominus Stretch 1 Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Extend your arms high above your head. Slowly bend sideways without allowing your foot to come off of the ground.
Stretch 2 Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Rectus Abdominus Stretch 2 Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower your arms to touch the back of your thighs Slowly bend backwards while looking at the ceiling. Your toes should not leave the floor. You must keep your core tight while doing this stretch
Stretch 3 Lay down on the floor with your arms beside your shoulders Rectus Abdominus Stretch 3 Lay down on the floor with your arms beside your shoulders Push up on your arms while leaving your feet pressed against the floor. Hands must be completely flat against the ground.
Station 3: Sartorius Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same leg. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Begin on one knee Sartorius Stretch 1 Begin on one knee Keeping your upper body completely straight push forward onto your standing knee. Allow your back leg to stretch out to feel the pull on the upper thigh
Stretch 2 Begin on one knee Sartorius Stretch 2 Begin on one knee Keeping your upper body completely straight pull your leg that is extended backwards up towards your hips Then slowly push forward towards the knee in front.
Stretch 3 Lay on your side with your elbow propped behind your head. Sartorius Stretch 3 Lay on your side with your elbow propped behind your head. Extend one leg in front of you and one leg behind. Pull the toes of the leg behind to try and reach your hips.
Station 4: Gastrocnemius Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same leg. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Place one leg backwards and one leg forwards. Gastrocnemius Stretch 1 Place one leg backwards and one leg forwards. Put your hands on your knee of the leg that is forward Keeping your back heel down push forward onto your knee
Gastrocnemius Stretch 2 Standing on a small ledge with something to hold onto place both heels together. Allow your heels to dip down until you feel a stretch in your lower calf.
Stretch 3 Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Gastrocnemius Stretch 3 Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your palms down on the floor in front of you. Keep your heels firmly planted on the ground to truly feel that stretch.
Station 5: Pectorals Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same arm. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Place your hand palm on on a wall. Pectorals Stretch 1 Place your hand palm on on a wall. Turn your body outwards away from the wall until you feel a stretch.
Stretch 2 Place both hand at a right angle facing the ceiling. Pectorals Stretch 2 Place both hand at a right angle facing the ceiling. Lean into a door frame and hold.
Stretch 3 Intertwine your fingers behind your back. Pectorals Stretch 3 Intertwine your fingers behind your back. Push your intertwined fingers away from your back and hold.
Station 6: Deltoids Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same arm. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Pull arm across chest Deltoids Stretch 1 Pull arm across chest Use other arm to pull as tight as you can to feel that stretch.
Stretch 2 Place arm over head Bend at elbow Deltoids Stretch 2 Place arm over head Bend at elbow Push elbow down using other hand.
Stretch 3 Place both hands on a wall above your head. Deltoids Stretch 3 Place both hands on a wall above your head. Palms should be flat against the wall. Squat down to feel the stretch.
Station 7: Triceps Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same arm. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Triceps Stretch 1 Using a towel grasp the upper part of the towel with one arm over your head. Grasp the lower part of the towel with one hand behind the back. Pull against your hands.
Stretch 2 Interlock your hands behind your head. Triceps Stretch 2 Interlock your hands behind your head. Pull against yourself to feel the stretch.
Stretch 3 Interlock your hands behind your head. Triceps Stretch 3 Interlock your hands behind your head. Pull against yourself to feel the stretch.
Station 8: Biceps Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same arm. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Place a 6-10 inch rope in-between your hands. Biceps Stretch 1 Place a 6-10 inch rope in-between your hands. Pull the rope over your head and push down towards your hips.
Stretch 2 Holding onto a door turn your body away and pull outwards. Biceps Stretch 2 Holding onto a door turn your body away and pull outwards.
Biceps Stretch 3 Place your hand palm up on a wall. Squat down.
Station 9: External Oblique Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Lay with your body facing the ceiling. External Obliques Stretch 1 Lay with your body facing the ceiling. Bring your knees up and lay them sideways. Keep as much of your lower back touch the floor as you can.
Stretch 2 Place one hand on your waist. External Obliques Stretch 2 Place one hand on your waist. Lift the other over your head and lean. Feel the stretch more by pushing your body sideways as much as you can.
Stretch 3 Sit with your legs pointing at a V away from your body. External Obliques Stretch 3 Sit with your legs pointing at a V away from your body. One arm goes over your head to try and grab your ankle. The other arm stretches towards the opposite hip.
Station 10: Quadriceps Directions: Begin with Stretch 1 (see photos for reference). Hold the stretch for 10 seconds Take a 5 second rest. Hold the stretch for another 10 seconds on the same leg. Write down any observations on your recording sheet. Move to the second stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to the third stretch and repeat steps 2-10 again. Move to another station.
Stretch 1 Stand on one leg. Quadriceps Stretch 1 Stand on one leg. Bring your lifted foot back to try and pull it towards your hips. You may use a chair or table for balance if needed. Try to keep your torso as straight as possible.
Quadriceps Stretch 2 Find a chair and place it behind you, you will also need something to steady yourself on. Lift one leg back onto the backrest of the chair. Squat.
Stretch 3 Sit with both of your legs out to the side of your hips. Quadriceps Stretch 3 Sit with both of your legs out to the side of your hips. Lean back onto your hands and stretch those legs backwards.