Enerzen Knights •Kyle Butler •Brandon Chestnut •Brooke Maher •Caroline Skahn •Garrett Spinneweber Group Project Presentation, Spring 2016 for Dr. Desiraju’s MAR 3613 Class
MANAGEMENT DECISION PROBLEM Marketing Action 1: Use outbound marketing to promote the Enerzen brand and beverage company Marketing Action 2: Use inbound marketing to promote the Enerzen brand and beverage company Selection Difficulty due to: Confusing target market(s) Unsure which action will have a better reach Unclear turnover rates
FINDINGS FROM THE LIBRARY/INTERNET Increase in energy drink consumption Decrease in soda/carbonated beverages Health a huge factor Competitive Market Difficult to bring in new brands Partnerships and sponsorships Supplementary ingredients on the rise
Energy Drink Findings Why students drink energy drinks /What common effects happen after consumption of energy drinks /Why they begin in the first place
DISCUSSION WITH AN EXPERT WHO: Franz Valencia - Founder/President of Enerzen WHERE: Blackstone Launchpad WHEN: Wednesday, February 17th 4PM-5:30PM
FINDINGS FROM THE EXPERTS Enerzen History Competition Target Market Assumptions
MARKETING RESEARCH PROBLEM Umbrella Question: Which marketing campaign will have the most relative effectiveness, inbound marketing or outbound marketing when trying to enter the Orlando market for energy drinks? VS
FIRST FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEW Conducted on Monday April 11, 2016 from 6:09PM - 8:12 PM • The interview lasted 123 minutes • Held in Ashington at Brandon Chestnut’s House • Used Brandon’s Cannon 5D MKIII (backup equipment was: Caroline’s Nikon D5000) • 6 students (1 males, 5 females) • Everyone lived close to the UCF Area • Incentive we gave for participation: Food
DISCUSSION GUIDE (FOR THE FIRST FOCUS GROUP) Introduction Rules of Focus Group Topic 1: General questions regarding sports and energy drinks Enerzen Sports drinks Energy drinks Topic 2: General marketing-specific questions How they were introduced to these beverages
Topic 3: Inbound marketing Social media Friends Community Topic 4: Outbound marketing Billboards Commercials Radio
Topic 5: Prices Importance to consumers Effect on purchasing Focus of purchases Topic 6: Health Awareness
FINDINGS FROM THE FIRST FOCUS GROUP “I don’t drink energy drinks” “Social media is the best way to advertise this drink” “Relatability is key to marketing” “Focus on one target market, not three” Advertise using the military component
SECOND FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEW Conducted on Friday April 15, 2016 from 2:11PM - 3:06PM • The interview lasted 56 minutes • Held in BA2 Room 221 • Used PSP Camera Equipment built into the room (Backup equipment was Kyle’s GoPro) • 6 students (1 female, 5 males) • Everyone lived close to the UCF Area • Incentive we gave for participation: Chipotle, Pizza, Helped with other groups
THE MODIFIED DISCUSSION GUIDE (FOR THE SECOND FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEW) Introduction: Explanation of Focus group Topic 1: General Questions Energy Drinks Sports Drinks
Topic 2: Market Specific Questions Competitor Brands Social Media Advertisements Topic 3: Inbound Marketing Social Media & AD Campaigns Topic 4: Outbound Marketing Billboards Sponsors Samples
Topic 5: Pricing Competitors Price Topic 6: Health Concerns
FINDINGS FROM THE SECOND INTERVIEW “I don’t drink energy drinks” “Celebrity advertising is key with social media” “Relate to consumers by telling a story” “ Focus on one market”
LIMITATIONS New brand was difficult to work with Not much information available on Enerzen Focus Group 1 uninterested in energy drinks Focus group 2 uninterested in energy drinks
RECOMMENDATIONS Focus on social media Get Rid of the word “Tranquility” on branding Give more free samples Focus on 1 Target Market Create more flavors Create cohesive instagram/twitter/facebook
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1 GENERAL QUESTIONS Have any of you heard of Enerzen before? What is the first energy drink that comes to your mind? What is the first sports drink that comes to your mind? Do you have a preference on what type of energy drink you consume? Do you have a preference on what type of sports drink you consume? Do you drink energy drinks or sports drinks more often? How do you feel about caffeine within your energy drink? What are your thoughts on a drink to improve your sports performance? How do you prefer to stay hydrated? When you were first introduced were you given a taste test of this drink? Do you drink energy drinks for the taste or for the energy factor? Were you introduced to energy drinks or sports drinks in your family or friend circles? How influenced by your friends are you when it comes to drinks? What makes you come to actually purchasing an energy drink after wanting one for a while? How many energy drinks do you usually consume in a given day?
MARKETING SPECIFIC QUESTIONS How did you first hear about gatorade or powerade? Redbull? Rockstar? 5 hour Energy? Do you follow any energy/sports drink companies on social media platforms? If so which drinks and which platforms? Why do you follow these accounts? What is your most favorite and least favorite part about these accounts? Do you follow other food or beverage accounts on social media in general? If so which, and why? Have you ever seen a billboard for a beverage company? Did the billboard result in you researching that beverage, and or buying that beverage? Have you bought an energy drink due to an advertisement?
INBOUND MARKETING QUESTIONS How engaged are you on social media with Energy drink brands? Enerzen is on the forefront of non-caffeine energy drinks within this industry, do you prefer to follow a brand that is traditional or more progressive in their recipe? Do you like to read blogs pertain to sports/ and energy drinks and does that make you more inclined to try Enerzen? If Enerzen would host a sports event highlighting their product, would you attempt to learn more? Do facebook ads annoy you or do you like how facebook knows what you’ve been looking at online? Do you click on sponsored facebook ads usually on your timeline? Are you influenced by what your friends are drinking What do most of your friends drink? What do you drink? In regards to energy drinks..
OUTBOUND MARKETING QUESTIONS How likely are you to buy an energy drink if you see it on a billboard? How often do you purchase a new drink based on a commercial you've seen? Have you ever heard of a drink being promoted on a radio station? If you are at an event, how often do you check out the sponsorship tables? What guides your decision-making? Do you even notice who sponsors certain events? Would you say free-samples are something that you are interested in? Do these free samples usually cause you to buy more of that product?
PRICING AND DISCOUNT QUESTIONS How much does price affect your decision to buy energy drinks If Enerzen was on sale, and cost less than all competitors, how likely would you be to try it had you not ever heard of it before? What is an average price you are willing to pay for an energy drink? What is the most you would be willing to pay for Enerzen? Would you take the time to do a mail-in rebate for enerzen if it were free What do you spend the most money on when it comes to beverages? Coffee, Soda etc.
HEALTH Do you look at calories before you buy drinks? How much does the health factor affect which beverages you purchase? What do you know about energy drinks and health side effects in general? What do you think is the healthiest sports drink or energy drink? Do you think enerzen looks healthy?
MODIFIED DISCUSSION GUIDE GENERAL QUESTIONS Have any of you heard of Enerzen before? What is the first energy drink that comes to your mind? What is the first sports drink that comes to your mind? Do you have a preference on what type of energy drink you consume? Do you have a preference on what type of sports drink you consume? Do you drink energy drinks or sports drinks more often? How do you feel about caffeine within your energy drink? What are your thoughts on a drink to improve your sports performance? How do you prefer to stay hydrated? When you were first introduced were you given a taste test of this drink? Do you drink energy drinks for the taste or for the energy factor? Were you introduced to energy drinks or sports drinks in your family or friend circles? How influenced by your friends are you when it comes to drinks? What makes you come to actually purchasing an energy drink after wanting one for a while? How many energy drinks do you usually consume in a given day? PRICING AND DISCOUNT QUESTIONS How much does price affect your decision to buy energy drinks If Enerzen was on sale, and cost less than all competitors, how likely would you be to try it had you not ever heard of it before? What is an average price you are willing to pay for an energy drink? What is the most you would be willing to pay for Enerzen? Would you take the time to do a mail-in rebate for enerzen if it were free What do you spend the most money on when it comes to beverages? Coffee, Soda etc. HEALTH Do you look at calories before you buy drinks? How much does the health factor affect which beverages you purchase? What do you know about energy drinks and health side effects in general? What do you think is the healthiest sports drink or energy drink? Do you think enerzen looks healthy?
MARKETING SPECIFIC QUESTIONS How did you first hear about gatorade or powerade? Redbull? Rockstar? 5 hour Energy? Do you follow any energy/sports drink companies on social media platforms? If so which drinks and which platforms? Why do you follow these accounts? What is your most favorite and least favorite part about these accounts? Do you follow other food or beverage accounts on social media in general? If so which, and why? Have you ever seen a billboard for a beverage company? Did the billboard result in you researching that beverage, and or buying that beverage? Have you bought an energy drink due to an advertisement?
INBOUND MARKETING QUESTIONS How engaged are you on social media with Energy drink brands? Enerzen is on the forefront of non-caffeine energy drinks within this industry, do you prefer to follow a brand that is traditional or more progressive in their recipe? Do you like to read blogs pertain to sports/ and energy drinks and does that make you more inclined to try Enerzen? If Enerzen would host a sports event highlighting their product, would you attempt to learn more? Do facebook ads annoy you or do you like how facebook knows what you’ve been looking at online? Do you click on sponsored facebook ads usually on your timeline? Are you influenced by what your friends are drinking What do most of your friends drink? What do you drink? In regards to energy drinks..
OUTBOUND MARKETING QUESTIONS How likely are you to buy an energy drink if you see it on a billboard? How often do you purchase a new drink based on a commercial you've seen? Have you ever heard of a drink being promoted on a radio station? If you are at an event, how often do you check out the sponsorship tables? What guides your decision-making? Do you even notice who sponsors certain events? Would you say free-samples are something that you are interested in? Do these free samples usually cause you to buy more of that product?
PRICING AND DISCOUNT QUESTIONS How much does price affect your decision to buy energy drinks If Enerzen was on sale, and cost less than all competitors, how likely would you be to try it had you not ever heard of it before? What is an average price you are willing to pay for an energy drink? What is the most you would be willing to pay for Enerzen? Would you take the time to do a mail-in rebate for enerzen if it were free What do you spend the most money on when it comes to beverages? Coffee, Soda etc.
HEALTH Do you look at calories before you buy drinks? How much does the health factor affect which beverages you purchase? What do you know about energy drinks and health side effects in general? What do you think is the healthiest sports drink or energy drink? Do you think enerzen looks healthy?