Smart Grid ad hoc Closing Report - March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0420r0 March 2010 Smart Grid ad hoc Closing Report - March 2010 Date: 2010-3-18 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 +1 (321) 427-4098 Bruce Kraemer Marvell bkraemer@ marvell .com Abstract: Information on Smart Grid activities – March 2010 Related documents Smart Grid ad hoc Meeting Report 11-10-0373r2 Smart Grid ad hoc meeting minutes 11-10-0419r0 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Agenda Topics Planned topics: March doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0420r0 March 2010 Agenda Topics Planned topics: National Broadband plan – Smart Grid chapter Update on SGIP meeting of March 16-17– Mark Klerer 3. Results and action items for NIST PAP#2 modeling 4. Modified flow diagram representation of Use cases - Mark Klerer Subsequent conference calls and plans for May meeting Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Upcoming Events March 21 meeting at NIST to review PAP#2 progress May 24-27: 2nd SGIP Face-to-Face in Santa Clara, CA. Held in conjunction with P2030 & ConnectivityWeek. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
March 2010 Tough Questions What are the consequences of not responding to the request? How much effort, from whom, how quickly needs to be contributed to meet the request? Could the June deadline for task completion be extended? How will the data provided to NIST be used by other entities in influencing deployment decisions? “Entities” range from FERC to consumer appliances Can simulation models be useful enough without selecting and constructing channel models? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
March 2010 Working Assumptions The ongoing interchange of information between power engineering and communications industry is essential. Computer modeling communications against PE supplied uses cases is far more useful than hand waving. Although not fully understood or quantified, there will be business incentives to being recognized as a qualified Smart Grid technology. Although not fully understood, industry would prefer to be “actively influencing” the technology selection process rather than have it dictated to them. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Status Checklist Is there a public simulator available to run? March 2010 Status Checklist Is there a public simulator available to run? 802.16 –Yes, NS2 802.11 – Yes, NIST Matlab Has the simulator been recently executed to demonstrate it can produce useful results? Yes, NIST Matlab for 802.11. 3 attendees. Have any of the OpenSG uses cases been modeled by industry? No Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
March 2010 Status Checklist Has anyone volunteered to run the model on the use cases and report results? In time for the March 31 NIST status meeting? In time for May 802 Interim meeting? In time for June NIST deadline? Has any 802 participant validated the model results against other simulators or lab test? No Are there any known corrections or extensions to the models needed to model uses cases? 802.11 model is missing mesh 802.11 model has been run using only 1 Mbps, BPSK in 2.4 GHz Automatic rate scaling Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
March 2010 Status Checklist Is there a better way to promote uptake of model execution? through advertising/cooperation with universities? through outreach/cooperation with support organizations such as Zigbee, Wi-Fi, WiMAX Develop one page description/advertising of PAP#2 modeling task Dorothy & Mark will help Bruce do this Are there any known clarifications to the uses cases required to provide useful results? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Read Application Error March On Demand Meter Reading Command, Response and Errors doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0420r0 Premises excluded (i.e. IHD and Cust. EMS) March 2010 MR-9 L:< 10s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-8 L:< 5s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-?? L:<5s; R:>99.5% CIS MDMS MR-10 L:<5s; R:>99.5% MR-44 L:<10s; R:>98% MR-15 L:< 5s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-2 L:<5s; R:>99.5% MR-21 L:< 5s; R:>99.5% MR-20 L:< 10s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-18 L:< 10s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-7 L:<5s; R:>99.5% MR-?? L:<?? R:>?? Head End MR-16 L:< 5s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-22 L:<5s; R:>99.5% MR-17 L:< 5s; R:>99.5% PL: 50 MR-27 L:< 10s; R:>99% PL: 50 MR-26 L:< 10s; R:>99% PL: 50 MR-19 L:< 10s; R:>99.5% PL:50 MR-14 L:<5s; R:>99% MR-28 L:<5s; R:>99% NMS DAP MR-43 L:<5s; R:>98% MR-40, 41, 42* L:< 10s; R:>98% PL: 50 MR-39 L:< 10s; R:>98% PL: 50 MR-25 L:<5s; R:>98% Communications Error Concatenated flow Smart Meter Response Read Application Error * Reporting for multiple devices Error flow Bruce Kraemer, Marvell 9 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Future Smart Grid calls March 2010 Future Smart Grid calls Schedule plan so far has been Wednesdays at 2pm EST Future call plans will be to continue this pattern – 1 per week – to July Next call March 24 Call topic suggestions Review of one page task promotion Detailed walk thru of first three use cases to determine if we need further clarification from Open SG (on March 31) Reports on model results (from anyone) Or note any additional commitments to run models Bruce Kraemer, Marvell