G i m n a z j u m n r 2 4 i m. U n i i E u r o p e j s k i e j w P o z n a n i u
The lifestyles of most of us lead to a situation that we dont have enough time for eating. Its consequence is the reduction of the number of meals to two a day: breakfast and late dinner, which leads to the risk of overweight and obesity. That is why we need to eat at least three (or more) meals a day. The last one shouldnt be eaten directly before going to sleep.
The main source of energy in our diet should be compound carbohydrates, found in cereal products. It is recommended to contain in each meal: dark break, flakes, groats or pasta. Compound carbohydrates are a great source of beneficial proteins and vitamin B (taking part in metabolism), B6 (essential in proper functioning of the nervous system and in creating of red blood cells). The carbohydrates bring you the fiber and minerals - iron, magnesium, copper and zink. There are significant differences in the goodness of bread, depending on the flour it was made from. Dark bread made from hard milling contains more vitamins, minerals and fiber than white bread, so it is healthier.
Vegetables and fruit should not be only part of every meal, but they should be also eaten between meals. They are the main source of the majority of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fresh fruit and vegetables cover daily. Demand for vitamin C and carotin, that is antioxidants (fighting the radicals) plays a huge role in protecting the body from cancer. Fruit and vegetables contain little calories, so they are recommended in dieting.
Dairy products are an indispensable source of calcium in our diet. Shall also provide the high value of protein and vitamin B2. Adequate supply of calcium and vitamin D in the diet may protect against osteoporosis, prevent breaking bones in old age. High-fat products are indeed a source of saturated fatty acids which have an adverse effect on the concentration of cholesterol in blood. People with lactose intolerance instead of milk should drink fermented products like kefir, yoghurt, sour milk.
Dairy products are an indispensable source of calcium in our diet. Shall also provide the high value of protein and vitamin B2. Adequate supply of calcium and vitamin D in the diet may protect against osteoporosis, prevent breaking bones in old age. High-fat products are indeed a source of saturated fatty acids which have an adverse effect on the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. People with lactose intolerance instead of milk should drink fermented products like kefir, yoghurt, sour milk.
Within a week it should be at least 2-3 times to replace the meat in the dinner meal with fish. Their protein is as valuable as the proteins of meat, and more lightly digestible. Fat fish contains a significant amount of unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, which play an important role in preventing atherosclerosis. The fish are also rich in minerals and vitamins, among others. Selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin A, fluoride, potassium, vitamin D and marine fish and seafood are also an excellent source of iodine.
These products are a source of essential unsaturated fatty acids (NNKT) contained in vegetable fats. NNKT are not synthesized by the body and therefore they must be delivered together with a diet. Vegetable oils are also a source of vitamin E, which also belongs to the antioxidants. In the last few years, anti-arteriosclerosis effect of unsaturated fatty acids was stated, in both mono - and polyunsatu - rated acids.
With a large exertion and during the summer heat you should increase the amount of drunk liquids up to 3 litres a day. Mineral waters can make not only the loss of water in the body, but also minerals. Natural fruit and vegetable juices in addition to minerals shall also provide many vitamins, among others C and beta-carotene. It is profitable to drink often but in smaller quantities.
… which will give you strength, optymism and natural germproof ! And remember: regardless of age, you should always avoid excess of salt, sugar and alcohol !
The students of the first grade and some volunteers from higher grades of our school (individually and in two-three people teams), in the frames of Healthy Eating acitivity, undertook the topic of changes in the way of eating in the last few years, looking closely at the quality of the most popularly bought products and their positive and negative influence on young peoples development. Prepared lists of all the groceries included in the daily menu of a freely chosen week was put to the test.
Our conclusions: - products containing more carbohydrates are more and more eaten for breakfast; - soups for dinner are less and less prepared; - there is a significant rise in the fast food consumption; - warm dishes are often and often ordered by the phone in the fast- food shops at home for having supper or dinner (e.g. pizza);
Despite the above conclusions, the students worked on preparing a balanced diet that would include the psychical and physical development. More than 120 propositions were made during the school subject Technologies of eating.
They were also looking for the most popular regional dishes prepared with natural products. The best ideas are put into the special cook-book (paper and electronic versions).