5 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti-Poverty Network


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Presentation transcript:

5 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti-Poverty Network EU Policy Update July 2018 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti-Poverty Network www.eapn.eu www.eapn.eu

Outline The Context 7a EPSR – Latest Developments 5 7a Outline The Context EPSR – Latest Developments Social Fairness Package – EAPN Position/ Priorities EAPN Action and Next Steps Post 2020 – where now?

5 7a The Context +ELECTIONS: Populist Spring?: Italy: (R/L? Coalition-Five Star + Salvini’s League) Hungary: (Orban back, fair vote?), Spain: (Rajoy resigns after corruption scandals), Sweden in September (will Social Democrats hold?), Germany (Merkel weakened in new Grand Coalition). BREXIT: Unrealistic UK Article 50 proposals. Main blocks: Customs Union, N.Ireland, Mobility/Migration GREXIT: Reducing unemployment, but still highest levels of poverty/inequality. Agreement on debt, but ECB & IMF still pushing for austerity to ‘secure gains’ MIGRATION: Increasing tensions as Salvini stops NGO boats, with Spain providing support. EU countries focusing on returns and prevention of migration in reform of the asylum system. JUNE COUNCIL: All night session agrees partial Conclusions on Migration (Preventing illegal migration/disembarkation centres, voluntary relocation and continuing Dublin reform). Security and Defence; Jobs/Growth/Competiveness (endorsed CSRs – fight against tax evasion!) EUROPEAN COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME: EPSR - Social Fairness Package THE FUTURE: Brexit, Migration and EU budget dominate. Waiting for new European Commission and Parliament (elections May 2019)…

5 7a European Pillar on Social Rights – Latest Developments – Social Fairness! Inter-institutional Proclamation: – officially adopted in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017 by Council and the EP; endorsed by Council on 14-15 December 2017 13 March: Main new initiative: Social Fairness Package! Communication on monitoring the implementation of EPSR (Semester and EU funds) A proposal for a Council Recommendation: Access to social protection for all workers (Austrian Presidency to take forward). Regulation establish a European Labour Authority and European Social Security Number (delay) 27 June: Bulgarian Presidency EPSCO: High level conference – EPSR: Working Together for results – Tripartite with Social Platform representing NGOs Implementation is underway: mainly by mainstreaming the Pillar (Social Scoreboard) through the European Semester, and through the MFF and separate action on the specific areas above What results????? .

Social Fairness Package – EAPN Position Paper 5 7a Social Fairness Package – EAPN Position Paper Welcome SFP, but disappointed in retreat away from hard law… what impact? Important role for Semester, but concerns re dominant stability and growth undermining social rights, Role of scoreboard? Principles? Welcome delivery through EU funds, but concern of cuts in Cohesion/ ESF+/focus on poverty. Important R to increase Social Protection for precarious workers, but narrow focus on work, and no explicit commitment to public investment/systems. Useful European Labour Authority but more for institutional coordination than better rights Civil society engagement – increased focus, but more on ‘delivery through social services’. Key Messages Adopt a clear Road Map/Action plan delivered through the Semester Support the Council Recommendation on Access to SP as 1st step. Ensure progress towards an EU framework Directive to guarantee adequate MI Not a cent less for Cohesion, 30% of ESF dedicated to fight against poverty Make partnership with CSO a reality in EU and national processes. .

EAPN Action and Next Steps: Implementation in the Semester 5 7a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Implementation in the Semester Active engagement with European Institutions and National Governments to lobby for the EPSR principles (particularly the 5 priority ones for EAPN) and Social Scoreboard to be fully integrated in the processes of the European Semester, plus monitoring at EU and national level: Annual Growth Survey and Joint Employment Report: input letter to President Juncker with Key Messages, quick reaction, and full response to the Package Country Reports: national input based on Poverty Watch; review in EU ISG meeting (March 2018); written email feedback; EU synthesis report; national & EU advocacy on messages National Reform Programmes: national input based on Poverty Watch & Country Report; review in EU ISG meeting (June 2018); written response to questionnaire; EU synthesis report; national and EU advocacy on Key Messages Country-Specific Recommendations: input to assessment table prepared by the staff team, national and EU advocacy Integrated Guidelines: input to European Parliament report, on an ad-hoc basis All year: letters to Council, organising EU and national events, engaging with advisory opinions (EESC, SPC, EMCO), lobbying and advocacy at national and EU level; organising events

EAPN Action and Next Steps: EU joint action! March-Dec 2018 5 7a EAPN Action and Next Steps: EU joint action! March-Dec 2018 All year: implementation through the European Semester – Country Report, NRP, CSR, AGS March-July - Social Fairness Package: briefing, full response, dissemination, advocacy 20 March – meeting EC Vice-President for Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis (Brussels) 15 April- Social Scoreboard: meeting with ISG chair – no change! 17 April – DG Employment conference on the Social Pillar and the European Semester (Brussels) 27 April – Annual Convention Inclusive Growth: Key Messages; workshops, side-event: Future of Work (SP), and follow-up, 5 July - EAPN Policy Conference: on Access to Social Protection for all July-Dec: Austrian Presidency – coordinated work with Social Platform on Rec on Access to SP. 27-29 September: EAPN conference – Implementing the Social Pillar/EAPN AT/Vienna 29 Nov: Anniversary conference EPSR in Portugal? - (Social Platform/PT Govt/EAPN PT?) Position paper on Quality and Inclusive Education: draft / adopt position, PEP Meeting Nov

Taking Action at the National Level: Timeline March – Dec 2018 5 7a Taking Action at the National Level: Timeline March – Dec 2018 National level: Deliver at least 5 national events on the Social Pillar, engage with / lobby key contacts (Government, SPC, EMCO, ESOs, desk officers, other?). Focus on Social Pillar or 1/some of 5 principals ?: 1) Minimum Income (care with EMIN..) 2) Social Protection; 3) Access to Essential Services; 4) Fair Wages; 5) Education/ Training/Lifelong Learning. Link it to the European Semester or EU funding? What can help? Action Notes – guidance for events and other action on the 5 principals Social Pillar (see Doc) Branding, Funding and Reporting events Showing how Social Pillar can make a difference (EU law, EAPN concerns) - Working in alliances, joint advocacy, as well as events Collecting good practice Linking SDGs and Social Pillar – joining forces/building synergies! (See Doc)

Post 2020 Strategy? Where are we? 5 7a Post 2020 Strategy? Where are we? Current State of Play No proposal on the table – unwillingness to commit new Commission/EP Fragility of EU: Brexit, Migration, Security – how to keep EU together. Priority to MFF and EU budget reflecting internal priorities…. Future of Europe – public consultation and Citizen’s dialogues leading up to EP Elections and EU Summit in Sibiu 19 May 2019 New Reflection Paper Europe moving towards a sustainable future (SDGs) (Commissioner Timmermans with Stakeholder Platform. Seen as being proposal for post 2020? (Sept – now Nov?) – no consultation planned? EAPN Action Reflection Paper/Policy Conference 2017, Messages Future of Europe paper (EXCO) being finalized – input to consultation? Key demands.

Post 2020 Strategy? Where are we? 5 7a Post 2020 Strategy? Where are we? Current State of Play No proposal on the table – unwillingness to commit new Commission/EP Fragility of EU: Brexit, Migration, Security – how to keep EU together. Priority to MFF and EU budget reflecting internal priorities…. Future of Europe – public consultation/ Citizen’s dialogues leading up to EP Elections and EU Summit in Sibiu 19 May 2019 New Reflection Paper: Europe moving towards a sustainable future (SDGs) (Nov) EAPN Action Reflection Paper/Policy Conference 2017?: Explicit antipoverty strategy backed by EU funding, build on 2020 targets and beyond to SDGs and Agenda 2030/ Implement Social Pillar with civil society/ 6th Scenario. Future of Europe paper (EXCO) being finalized – input to consultation? Input to reflection paper or/and our own concrete proposal? What next steps? consultation

EAPN Action and Next Steps: Discussion 5 7a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Discussion Q & A on the presentation What national engagement/action on Social Pillar so far? Buzz groups: National events and other action? Joint action on Access to Social Protection? Input to Policy conference – EAPN AT/GA? Next steps on post 2020?

Thank you for your attention! 5 7a Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator sian.jones@eapn.eu