Cornell Notes : Poetry, Part 3, Meaning of Poems 1. How do we determine a the meaning of a particular poem? Define the following terms: 1) Narrative Poem 2) Chronological Sequence 3) Stated Theme 4) Implied Theme 5) Symbol 6) Lyric Poetry 1. Think about a poem’s sounds, the language it uses, and its form. 1) A poem that tells a story in verse. It has a setting, characters, and a plot. 2) Telling the events in the order they happened. 3) A theme the author expresses directly, through many examples 4) A theme that gradually becomes clear to readers as the poem unfolds 5) An object that represents an idea or a feeling. Examples: dove represents peace; skull & cross = danger/death 6) A brief, often musical expression of the poet’s thoughts and feelings. It uses imagery, similes, & metaphors.