Who were the SS Founded in 1925 4th April The SS was considered to be an elite force and the membership was restricted to those with blonde hair and blue eyes. Heinrich Himmler was the leader of the SS. He was an ambitious man and set about building the SS and making them stronger. From 1932 the SS wore black uniforms with a runic symbol to distinguish them from the SA Under Himmlers leadership the ss was divided into 3 sections Who were the SS
What the SS did? The SS ran concentration camps They had special Deaths Head Squads that took out opposition and rounded people out Some special squads were personal guards for Hitler and other special Nazi Leaders They were a secret police meaning they were separate from the army and had their own jurisdiction What the SS did?
Heinrich Himmler “An Architect of Nazi Genocide” Himmler acted as the Nazi party’s propaganda leader between 1926 and 1930. In 1929, he was appointed head of the SS Himmler was obsessed with racial purity in Germany and encouraged Aryan Breeding programs Himmler was short and poor tempered and most historians believe these factors directly explain why Himmlers and the Nazis punishments were so harsh. Heinrich Himmler
As you can see the uniform was extremely imposing SS uniforms
Why were the SS so effective? The typical SS man was conveyed to be a hardened criminal and this put fear in many people They were tall and physically fit which made them imposing Not afraid to do what had to be done They were ruthless and violent They forced all those who opposed Hitler in labour camps etc. politicians and homosexuals. Why were the SS so effective?