H2.9b Maintain Information H2.9-2.10 Horse Care H2.9b Maintain Information This presentation has been produced by Ausintec Academy (Study Horses .com) for purpose of Educational Training. It is not for sale and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission from the Director of Ausintec Academy
Maintain Information Overview Types of Information Security and Confidentiality Managing Records Tutorial Summary References The collection, retrieval or transferral of information everyday happens on different levels both verbally and in written form. What is done with that information is important in the business environment to ensure it is kept and stored in a manner which conforms to the policies and procedures of the business its legal requirements.
Types of Information Invoices Accounts from feed stores, saddlery repairs, purchases. Correspondence Letters, faxes, emails Forms Memberships, riding indemnities Computer databases Customer records, saddlery catalogue Personnel records Personal details, medical histories, salary rates Computer files Electronic copies of documents Minutes of meetings Staff meetings, riding club meetings Information is exchanged between people everyday. That which is not exchanged verbally needs to be collected and stored correctly so that it can be easily retrieved.
Security and Confidentiality Some information which is stored is confidential or contains sensitive information that should not be accessible to the general public or staff. Policies and procedures in a business should contain information regarding how to maintain the security and privacy of this information. Examples:- Mail should not be left open, be unattended or accessible by the general public or in view of the general public. Information sensitive discussions (student details, financial, business etc) over the phone should be transferred or arranged to take place in a private area so they cannot be overheard. Computer back-up’s stored on hard drives and hard copies of all business, financial and student details must be kept locked in a filing cabinet in the managers office. Financial records needs to be stored for seven years before they can be removed. Records or sensitive information should not be left in the view of the general public and when not in use it should be kept in a secure, lockable location. For electronic information kept in computer files these systems should be protected by a password and require logging in to access them.
Managing Records Paper Electronic Accessibility Readily available if you know the filing system. Readily available if you have knowledge of computer operations and the filing system. Cost effective Financial costs in buying paper and storage systems as quantities increase. Financial costs in buying storage devices however these devices can hold large amounts of information in a very small space. Compact Large quantities consume large areas and are less portable. As above and storage devices can be portable. Flexible Expandable. See cost effective. Can be time consuming in changing filing system. Expandable, adjustable and adaptable. Easy to use Straightforward if the filing system is known. Straightforward if you have knowledge of computer operations and the filing system. The filing or storage system used needs to reflect the needs of the business and the quantity and type of information being stored. Paper storage systems include lever arch, suspension folders, filing cabinets and shelving whereas electronic storage systems involve databases, email and computer files. Information needs to be classified and organised in a way which will be suitable for the business and the use of staff members. The most commonly used types of classification are alphabetical, numerical, chronological, geographical, subject and keyword. Alphabetical This involves storing files in alphabetical order according to name (customer or business). Joining words are disregarded (e.g., Mr, Miss, &), initials are filed before names (J Smith before Jason Smith) and hyphenated or compound words are treated as one word. Numerical Information is filed by numbers from lowest to highest. Numbers might be used from membership #, invoice # or customer #. Chronological Files are sorted according to the date. This type of filing can also be used with other methods. Geographical Information is stored alphabetically according to its geographical location. Subject Stored according to the subject matter (alphabetically) Keyword More commonly used in large businesses particular words are used to classify and identify information. An inactive or dead file is one which contains information that is no longer used or is closed but for legal requirements must be kept for a certain period of time. These types of files may need to be relocated for storage out of the active filing system. Some may need to be destroyed (e.g., shredding) because they maintain confidential material whilst over records may be retained indefinitely as archives.
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References Websites:- Images:- http://www.studyhorses.com/education/Info/StudentResources/FantasySaddleClub-O&AManual.pdf Images:- http://blog.maplecitywebhosting.com/wp-content/password.jpg