Priorities for social statistics Agenda point 2 – Results from DSS Board meeting DSS Meeting 4/5 October 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Priorities for social statistics Agenda point 2 – Results from DSS Board meeting DSS Meeting 4/5 October 2016

Priorities for social statistics Timeliness Joint analysis of income, consumption and wealth Links between social statistics and national accounts: social protection education health Comparability in practice of published indicators Growth and labour force mobility: measurement, barriers and opportunities Migration Quality of life and well-being Poverty Geo-referencing 20-21 September 2012

Priorities for social statistics Suggested new items Flexibility and new ways of working Census and use of administrative data Links between quality of life and well-being and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals 20-21 September 2012

Ways forward Presentations by DSS Members on selected issues e.g.: (1) Monthly unemployment (France) (2) Mobility and emigration (HU) (3) Working time (DK) (4) ICW (France) (5) Non-sampling errors in particular non-response (6) Poverty (IT) Put some issues on the agenda of future DSS meetings: one issue at each of the next meetings. Pursue brainstorming exercises in order to enrich the list of issues 20-21 September 2012