From our first class In this PowerPoint document you will find the rest of the presentation from our first class that we did not get to. I have placed my narrative in the notes section of the PowerPoint document. You’ll need to view the slides with the notes view open. You would choose View from the toolbar and select Notes Page I suggest watching the slide show before you read the notes because there is animation on the slides.
Hierarchy of Experience Conceptualization 5) Abstraction of ideas, generalization, abstract problem solving categorical reasoning Symbolization 4) Ability to represent experience through language either verbally or nonverbally 3) Comprehensive frame of reference for information and the sequence and storing of it Imagery/memory While discussing the use of technology to support individuals with disabilities it would be helpful to have a shared framework within which to categorize areas of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. For this class we’ll be discussing how disabilities can impact an individual in terms of how they interact with the world around them. This will help us begin to breakdown how different areas of abilities can be analyzed to help match what Assistive Technology will help a person mitigate their weaknesses. Think of this diagram as a ladder. As we start at the bottom of the ladder on the level of Sensation, we will be discussing what physical abilities a person has that allows them to interact with their world, such as vision, hearing, speaking, and motor skills. The level of Perception is where an individual begins to differentiate between what they see, or hear and give it meaning. As we move up the Hierarchy of Experience we discuss how an individual will begin to finds ways to remember things they experience. They begin to understand and remember the order in which they do things and begin to put information about the world into a structure or frame of reference. At the level of Symbolization we see communication formalized verbally or nonverbally. At the level of Conceptualization, an individual begins to problem solve and indentify patterns and utilize executive reasoning. 2) Ability to differentiate between stimuli via the sensory channels and for the brain to give stimuli meaning Perception Sensation 1) Activation of sensorineural structures Johnson, D.J. & Myklebust, H.R. Learning Disabilities, Grune & Stratton, New York, 1967
A Simple Example I understand it comes from the fruit family I can ask for an apple verbally or with symbols. I know and remember I have seen it before. I know it is different from other things. I see the apple. I can touch it.
Hierarchy of Experience Conceptualization I understand it comes from the fruit family Symbolization I can ask for an apple verbally or with symbols. Imagery/memory I know and remember I have seen it before. It may be easier to understand the Hierarchy if we had a simple example. Beginning at the first level, or bottom level, we may see an apple and feel and hold an apple. At the Perceptual level we begin to realize the apple is an object that is different than the table it sits on. At the level of Imagery and Memory, we remember we have seen an apple before. We can ask for an apple by pointing to it and pointing to our mouths. This communication of need is at the level of Symbolization. At the level of higher order reasoning, we begin to understand not only is an apple food but it is in the fruit family. As we consider the Hierarchy, we can begin to think how we might accommodate a person with difficulties at various levels. Do you think if an individual has difficulties at the first level they will not get the second level or further up the Hierarchy? Perception I know it is different from other things. Sensation I see the apple. I can touch it.
Finding your way through the maze of technology. Learning Outcomes Finding your way through the maze of technology. Colorful balls travel through a maze. One ball makes it through with no problems. The second ball gets stuck along the way, the last ball crosses over the established pathways - thus finding their own creative solution. Matching Assistive Technology or software to support a curriculum requires an element of creativity or art. We’ll talk more about this as the semester goes on. Curriculum