Thomas Nilsson, CERN EP/IS ISOLDE scientific co-ordinator’s report INTC February 24 2003 Thomas Nilsson, CERN EP/IS Misc. items 2003 schedule
Misc. coordination items Off-line REX development Separator training (24 part. Dec. 2-13) Hall 275 nearing completion – Class C lab Enclosed area for SSP taken into operation Move of other activities started
ISOLDE schedule 2003 181 days of operation (192 in 2002) 450 RIB shifts requested, attempt to schedule > 350 Large flexibility needed – (could in some cases be better…) Push-pull or parallel mode Crucial parameters and ? RILIS manpower (~200 shifts) MINIBALL campaigns – discussed with MB collaboration TONNERRE beam line allocation REX 3.1 MeV upgrade Not yet possible to fix schedule for full 2003! NB – some planned runs conditional of today’s meeting.