Lesson 30 Digestion Subtitle
Activator What is the purpose of the digestive system? How Long is your digestive system? 30 Feet 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Brain Break 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Brain Break 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Digestion the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action into substances that can be used by the body. Two types of digestion Mechanical Chemical 4/10/2019 Add a footer
The Mouth Mechanical Teeth Incisors: Cut food into bit size pieces Canines: Tear and slash food Molars: crush and grind food Chemical Saliva: carries enzymes that help break down food 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Esophagus Muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach Lined with a tick and slippery substance to help food go down Food takes a 10 second trip Contractions of smooth muscles push the food toward the stomach Epiglottis: Flap that seals off your windpipe as you swallow 4/10/2019 Add a footer
The Stomach Temporarily stores food. Partial digestion place here. The churning action of the stomach muscles breaks down the food. The stomach releases acids and enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food. The stomach releases food into the small intestine 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Classwork Complete Digestion Labeling Worksheet Work independently for the first 5 minutes 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Activator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3E1txcKPe8 Write down the steps to the digestion system Compare your steps to the steps in the video Where you missing anything? 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Small Intestine primary role of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients broken down by digestion. absorb water and compact the stool 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Large Intestine Also referred to as the colon Water is absorbed here Remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Rectum Chamber that begins at the end of the large intestine Ends at the rectum Anus is the opening at the far end of the digestive tract through which stool leaves the body. 4/10/2019 Add a footer
1. Mouth 2. Esophagus 3. Stomach 4. Small Intestine 5. Large Intestine Overview 1. Mouth 2. Esophagus 3. Stomach 4. Small Intestine 5. Large Intestine 6. Rectum 4/10/2019 Add a footer
Class Work Complete Digestion Reading Worksheet Work independently for the first 1o minutes 4/10/2019 Add a footer