4th Grade Math & Science Learning Focus January 21st – 25th Homework & Tests Homework: Week of Jan. 21st: pg. 117-122: ”Paloma’s Picture”, “Frankie’s Fairground”, and “Perimeter & Area” Checkpoint Quizzes: Jan. 25th: Area & Perimeter Checkpoint 5’s Multiplication Checkpoint Water Cycle Quiz Unit 6 Assessment: Feb. 8st: Covers all standards and skills covered in Unit 6 (including multiplication, division, data, and fractions) Math 4.NBT.5: Multiply a 2 or 3-digit whole number by a 1-digit whole number and two 2-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations 4.NBT.5: Use equations or rectangular arrays to explain strategies for multiplying with multi-digit numbers 4.NBT.6: Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, or the relationship between multiplication and division 4.NBT.6: Use equations or rectangular arrays to explain strategies for dividing a multi-digit number by a 1-digit number 4.MD.3: Apply the area formula for a rectangle to solve a problem. 4.MD.3: Apply the perimeter formula for a rectangle to solve a problem. Important Dates Jan. 21st: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (School Holiday) All homework will be assigned at the beginning of each week (Monday) and will be due the Friday of the same week at 8 a.m February 4th: Parent Data Night at 5:30 p.m. Reminders: Field Trip permission slips are due January 31, 2019. Late money and permission slips will not be accepted. Weekly progress reports will come home Thursday, January 24. Please sign and return by Friday. January 21st – 25th No School Math: Unit 6, Module 2, Session 1&2 (Area Problems and Perimeter) Science: Water Cycle Math: Unit 6, Module 2, Session 3 (Perimeter Problems) Science: Water Cycle Math: Unit 6, Module 2, Session 4 (Area or Perimeter) Science: Water Cycle Math: Unit 6, Module 1, Session 5 (Area and Perimeter Checkpoint) Science: Water Cycle