4.NBT.6 Division with Remainders Use strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Pictures and problems taken from http://teresaemmert.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/0/5/13053448/division_and_interpreting_remainders_grade_5_revised_august_5th_2012.pdf
A junior high had 95 students in a lunch period A junior high had 95 students in a lunch period. Each table in the lunch room fits 15 students. What is the minimum number of tables the school must have in the lunch room? 6 tables in the lunchroom will be full Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time. 10 There will be 5 students remaining.
Juan’s mom made cookies for his birthday party. She made 84 cookies Juan’s mom made cookies for his birthday party. She made 84 cookies. Juan wants each of his 13 guests to have an equal amount of cookies. How many cookies can each guest have? Juan’s guests can each have ? cookies There will be ? cookies remaining. Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time.
Jordan wants to buy books that cost $13 a piece. She has $84 Jordan wants to buy books that cost $13 a piece. She has $84. How many books can Jordan buy? Jordan can buy ? books. Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time. She will have ?dollars left over.
Maria’s grade has 84 students Maria’s grade has 84 students. To play a game they need to be split into groups of 6. How many groups will there be? There will be ? groups. Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time.
Charles and his friends collected 87 apples at the orchard Charles and his friends collected 87 apples at the orchard. There are 12 kids including Charles. How many apples can each kid take home if they each want to take home an equal amount? Each kid will be able to take home ? apples. Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time. There will be ? apples left over.
Using the last problem, how many apples would Charles and his friends collected if they had 7 apples remaining after they divided up the apples they picked. Charles and his friends collected 87 apples at the orchard. There are 12 kids including Charles. How many apples can each kid take home if they each want to take home an equal amount? Ask students to explain their reasoning. How many ways can they solve this problem? Point out every time they use place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. It is important to talk about the remainder. Do we need it to answer the question? If so, how and why. Have students write equations. Show several equations each time. Note: there are infinite answers to this question. The most likely answer is 90. But the kids could have picked any number as long as that number divided by 12 left a remainder of 7.