HOB – Company presentation Boletin de la computación Roadshow 20.09.2017 Mexico City Referent: Name Stellenbezeichnung
About HOB Founded: 1964 Industry: Software Development, ISV 10.04.2019 About HOB Founded: 1964 Industry: Software Development, ISV Employees: 160 global Branches: USA, Malta Customers: more than 2,000 Headquarters: Cadolzburg, Germany
IT-Security made in Germany Several federal and industry agencies confirm the security of HOB software. Among them the German Federal Office for Information Security and the IT Security Association Germany. The Common Critera EAL 4+ Certification confirms that a software product is “methodically deigned, tested, and reviewed”. A comparison between Common Critera EAL 4+ and FIPS 140-2 by the independent audit authority “atsec information security” confirms that Common Critera EAL 4+ can be used as a substitute for FIPS 140-2 as the test parameters overlap to a large degree..
10.04.2019 Our Customers Include
4/10/2019 Product Range
HOB RD VPN Secure Remote Access Suite
Secure Remote Access by HOB No client-side installation necessary RDP clients from HOB require no installation on the endpoint device No client-side administration rights necessary RDP clients from HOB require no administration rights on the endpoint device Platform-independent Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac Use browser of your choice Java Web Start (No Java in the browser required) HOBLaunch (No Java required; one time installation required)
HOB Partner Program
The HOB Partner Program 4/10/2019 The HOB Partner Program Partner Categories 15% commission Silver One-time commission Company logos on both parties‘ websites Regular product updates Webinar trainings 25% commission Gold Recurring commission Kit with marketing materials (once) Access to the HOB PartnerNet Announcement of partnership in our press release Joint marketing activities possible Regular participation of a dedicated person for HOB trainings Delivery of leads 35% commission Platinum* Kit with marketing materials (yearly) Regular participation of dedicated persons for HOB Trainings One dedicated, technical contact person at HOB Premium access to our expert knowledge *Platinum Partnership is achievable through fulfilling an individually defined sales target.
Your Partner Benefits 4/10/2019 Your Partner Benefits Enhance your portfolio with the most comprehensive pure software- based Remote Access solution in the market Differentiate yourself with the quality of German software engineering and offer the Mercedes among the Remote Access solutions Offer the highest possible level of security with our Common Criteria EAL 4+ certified Technology Maintain service availability with our 8/5 support and 24/7 emergency support Direct contact to the manufacturer for fast and non-bureaucratic solutions Benefit from attractive margins with commissions of up to 35%
10.04.2019 Contact Information International Sales HOB GmbH & Co. KG Schwadermuehlstraße 3 90556 Cadolzburg GERMANY +1 646 465 7649 +49 9103 715 3715 intsales@hobsoft.com www.hobsoft.com
Legal Notice HOB GmbH & CO. KG. KG Schwadermuehlstr. 3 90556 Cadolzburg Represented by: Klaus Brandstätter, Zoran Adamovic Contact: Phone: 0049-91037150 Fax: 0049-9103715271 E-mail: marketing@hob.de Register of Companies: Entered in the Registry of Companies, Registry Court: Amtsgericht Fürth, Registration Number: HRA 5180 Tax ID: Sales Tax Identification Number according to Section 27a Sales Tax Act: DE 132 747 002 Responsible for content according to Section 55 Paragraph 2 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement: Klaus Brandstätter, Zoran Adamovic, Schwadermuehlstr. 3, 90556 Cadolzburg References for all images and graphics used: All pictures and images included in this publication to which HOB does not hold the copyright must be credited to the current copyright holders. See section Picture Sources Disclaimer: Liability for content The contents of this publication were created with great care and diligence. While we keep it as up-to-date as practicable, we cannot take any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the contents of this publication. As a service provider we are responsible for our own content in this publication under the general laws according to Section 7 paragraph 1 of the TMG. According to Chapters 8 to 10 of the TMG we are not obliged as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored information not created by us, or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. Liability is only possible however from the date of a specific infringement being made known to us. Upon notification of such violations, the content will be removed immediately. Liability for links This publication may contain links to external websites over which we have no control. Therefore we can not accept any responsibility for their content. The respective provider or operator of the website pages to which there are links is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible violations of the law. At the time the link was created in this publication, no illegal or harmful contents had been identified. A continuous and on-going examination of the linked pages is unreasonable without concrete evidence of a violation. Upon notification of any violations, such links will be removed immediately. Copyright The contents and works on these pages created by the author are subject to German copyright law. Reproducing, copying, modifying, adapting, distributing or any kind of exploiting of this material outside the realms of copyright require the prior written consent of the respective author or creator. The downloading of, and making copies of, these materials is only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Where contents of this publication have not been created by the author, the copyright of the third parties responsible for these contents shall be upheld. In particular any contents created by a third party are marked as such. If you become aware of any copyright infringement within this publication, we kindly ask to be provided with this information. Upon notification of any such violation, the concerned content will be removed immediately.