The Johnson Times FSA vocabulary week 1 Prefix Text features Antonym Week of January 14th FSA vocabulary week 1 Prefix Text features Antonym Noun Character Numerator Pentagon Area Attribute array Game Plan: Specials Monday- Spanish Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- art Thursday- chess Friday- music Notes from the teacher please have your child complete 45 minutes of both math and reading each week. I will be counting the 45 minutes for each subject as a class work grade. 1/14-1/15- reading fsa diagnostic practice test 1/16-1/17- Math fsa diagnostic practice test Please make sure your child is in school on time because we will be testing first thing in the morning. 1/18- dress down day Starting this week we will have FSA vocabulary words each week and a vocabulary quiz each Friday jnsjk Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Understand attributes of certain groups of shapes Assessments fsq – 2 dimentional shapes Reading Skills: - Point of view Test sophistication lessons- reviewing test strategies FSA vocabulary quiz- Friday 1/18 Who we are- review 5 regions and all of the states in them How we express ourselves What is energy and how do we use it in our daily lives?