Civil Rights and Politics
AA Involvement Barbara Jordan was elected to the Texas State Senate in 1966 1st AA to be in the state senate since Reconstruction Era James Farmer founded the CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) Organized nonviolent protests to oppose segregation Boycotts, freedom rides, and sit ins
MA Involvement MA also wanted equal treatment LULAC and GI Forum continued to fight for civil rights Henry Gonzalez was elected to the state senate in 1956 MA began winning seats on city councils in 1960s
Civil Rights Groups Mexican American Youth Organization-MAYO Pushed for MA teachers and MA studies La Raza Unida Party-RUP Political party founded by MAYO Successful in electing MA officials to city offices
Women and Politics National Organization for Women-NOW Helped women become elected to city and state offices By 2000 86 women had served in state legislature Many women began winning positions on school boards, city councils, and mayors
Assignment Copy and answer the following questions using your notes and pages 565-568: Why was it important that Barbara Jordan was elected to the state senate? Why are civil rights important to democracy? Why did minorities form special groups? Were civil rights groups effective in achieving their goals? Why? Complete the chart: Civil Rights Issue Achievement Public Facilities Business and Work Legal and Judicial Personal Housing