Advergaming Follow-up How Take-2 entertainment picks up the pieces
Industry Review $11.5 Billion Video Game industry Advergaming is about $180 Million now, could get to $800 M by 2009? (Yankee group) Targets: “Lost Boys”- Males 18 to 34
Article Basics Article ESRB Gov. Intervention? Take-2’s response Future Advergaming effects?
ESRB who & what? Entertainment Software Ratings Board Changes previous rating of Mature (M) to Adult Only (AO)
Federal Inquiry (aka: witch hunt)? Know thy enemy Legislation? Federal Inquiry (aka: witch hunt)? Sen. Clinton at her brightest
Who gets the short end of the stick? Current Retailers who have stopped selling the game Software Publishers, specifically game oriented ones
1.31 billion (net Sales) : 1.26 billion (-45 million) Take-Twos reaction? Re-adjusts- fiscal year earnings projection 1.31 billion (net Sales) : 1.26 billion (-45 million) Take Corrective action- Stop production Patch New Version Distribute “adult-only” ESRB stickers Don’t talk about it
Wide-open Future? Things to expect: More selective promotion Tighter Gov. regulated product and promotion More active role in product production Control and coordination “Creativity”
Resources IEMA- ESRB- Take 2- ;