Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John
United Benefice of St Stephen’s and St James Blackburn Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John United Benefice of St Stephen’s and St James Blackburn
Presence & Engagement A parish where 10% or more of the population is from a faith group other than Christianity.
St Stephen’s parish (north of Blackburn) Not multi-faith but bi-faith; Total population 4825; Nearly 70% from other faith background (second highest proportion in diocese); Majority are Sunni Muslims (many from conservative Deobandi and Maududi sects); Deobandi theological college; madrassahs, mosques and independent Islamic schools; St Stephen’s is the only Christian presence the area; Also an area of multiple deprivation.
Understanding our context Presence and engagement training “Pilgrim course” Religious literacy Establishing links with Mosque Church primary schools Community links Getting to know our neighbours
Two church Primary Schools About 95% children from Asian background (majority are Muslim and small minorities of Sikh, Hindu and Christian - often East European); HT’s aim is for pupils to have “first hand encounter with Christian faith”; Christian values embedded in whole school; Collective worship; Whole school in church each term. Curate’s engagement in school.
Understanding the Muslim faith Theological input: Islam is a missionary faith; Revelation of God: The Qur’an or Jesus; Jesus of the Qur’an is not the Jesus of the Bible.
Practicalities of witnessing clash of cultures food/drink/alcohol Dress code/modesty gender roles (especially in conservative cultures) know your own faith and scriptures!
Curate’s experience Engagement in school Religiously literate children Staff ? Language/songs Recognise points of similarity & divergence in faith Welcome, hospitality Community and care of neighbour (Joan’s story) Ministry among women Don’t stereotype!
Inter-generational tea, cake and conversation
Standing together and praying as a community after the Manchester Arena Bombing May 2017
Conclusion & Any Questions?