The 1992 USDA food pyramid
the United States Department of Agriculture is known widely for its food guide pyramid... one of the most recognized logos in the world
The 1992 USDA food guide pyramid
this is the old (1992) version
Carol A. Bryant, Kathleen M. DeWalt, Anita Courtney and Jeffrey Schwartz The Cultural Feast: An Introduction to Food and Society, 2 nd Ed. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, 2003 the old (1992) version is on p. 82
A comparison of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and Vegetarian Food Guide Pyramid this is the old (1992) version The Cultural Feast, 2 nd Ed., p. 82
The current USDA food guide pyramid this is the current version
The current USDA food guide pyramid
food guide pyramids come in all cuisines and all sizes and shapes...
Mexican Food Guide Pyramid
Japanese Food Guide Pyramid
Asian Diet Food Guide Pyramid
A vegan version of the food guide pyramid
The current USDA food pyramid but lots of places have alternate food guide pyramids that they follow...
July 19,
Inflatable USDA Food Guide Pyramid
Inflatable USDA Food Guide Pyramid but in one way or another...
Inflatable USDA Food Guide Pyramid they are all associated with...
the USDA whose job it is to promote U.S. agriculture
Marion Nestle Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health University of California Press 2007 Marion Nestle provides one of the best discussions perhaps THE best discussion of the Food Guide Pyramid, and of the USDA (including the politics of the pyramid)