Warm Up # 18 What are some ways that religions can be organized or categorized?
Christianity Guided Reading Workbook pg. 8 Religions Class Docs pg. 46
Pre-Reading Directions 1. Write Essential Question at top of pg. 8. “What are the basic beliefs of Christianity and why were they so appealing to people living around the time of Jesus?” 2. Number paragraphs on pg. 46-47 3. Read Question # 1 before you begin reading the text.
Assignment Directions Read pg. 46 and answer questions 1-3. Highlight or underline answer in the text. Write answer in workbook in your own words.
Find you Snickers partner 1. Must leave your row! 2. Write down their… Name 1 Interesting fact How will you remember them Discuss answers to #’s 1-3
Assignment Directions Read pg. 47 and answer questions 4-6. Highlight or underline answer in the text. Write answer in workbook in your own words.
Find you Skittles partner 1. Must leave your row! 2. Write down their… Name 1 Interesting fact How will you remember them Discuss answers to #’s 4-6