First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM. Join Us Afterward, Upstairs in the Café.
Missons Pastor at Reston Bible Church Today’s Speaker: tony Pedroni Missons Pastor at Reston Bible Church
No Lesson Slides Today Please see the discussion questions to guide you through his talk, as Tony did not use any slides. I hope you get as much from this talk as I did. It was great!
SPEAKER DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Read and discuss Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-19. What do Paul’s prayers tell us about human nature? What do they tell us about the nature of Christ? What do these verses command, teach or imply regarding how to live the Christian life? Tony highlighted several blessings from God in Ephesians 1 & 2. Which ones particularly resonated with you? What other blessings can you think of that God promises in Scripture? Do you find it difficult to experience the blessings & promises of God in your daily life? Why or why not? If knowing God is the key to victoriously living in and for Christ, what steps could you take to know Him better?
First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM. Join Us Afterward, Upstairs in the Café.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers – Hebrews 13:2a Is there room in your schedule and your heart for a new friend? Please prayerfully consider being a host for March 9-13, 2019 to allow students to explore DC and learn how & why you love Jesus. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers – Hebrews 13:2a To learn more, contact Gene Brown at
NATE REED QUESTIONS How many days were you able to spend in the Bible this past week? What verse did you memorize this week? Did you share your faith with anyone this week?