doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> March 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [60GHz Japanese Regulation2] Date Submitted: [1 March, 2006] Source: [Hideto Ikeda] Company [Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.] Address [3-4, Hikarino-Oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 234-0051, Japan] Voice:[+81.46.847.5141], FAX: [+81.46.847.5145], E-Mail:[] Co- author: [Yozo Shoji] Organization [National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan] Re: [Information and communication Policy WEB Site by Japan MIC is added ] Abstract: [Description of Japanese 60-GHz Regulation updated.] Purpose: [Contribution to TG3c at March 2006 meeting] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT <author>, <company>
March 2006 Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band (Regulation revised and effective on Dec. 1, 2005) Reference (next page) RF frequency: 59-66 GHz (*1)(*2) Maximum output power: 10 mW or less (ave.) (*2)(*8) Max. Output power deviation: + 50%, - 70% (*3) Maximum antenna gain: 47 dBi (*4) Frequency deviation: within +/-500 ppm (*5) Maximum Occupied Bandwidth: 2.5 GHz (*6) Spurious radiation strength: (range: 30MHz - 2fc ) (*7)(*9) Out of Band zone (OoB): 100 μW or less Spurious zone: 50 μW or less Other characteristics: not specified Testing method for characteristics measurement: (*8) Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT
Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band March 2006 Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band Information and communication Policy Site by Ministry of Internal Affaires and Communications Japan Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT
Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band March 2006 Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band (*9) : Spurious and undesirable radiations (fc: 59 - 66GHz, Specific Low Power Radio Station) ●Conformity to ITU- R Radio Regulations (RR) updated Limit in Spurious zone : 43 + 10 log(P) dBc ( P: 0.01 Watt (ave.) ) Spurious zone Out of Band (OoB) zone Necessary Bandwidth , (BN < 500Mhz) fc- (1.5BN+500Mhz), (BN> 500Mhz) Undesirable Radiation Center frequency < 50 μW < 100 μW 30MHz 2fc Measurement testing range fc+ (1.5BN+500Mhz), (BN> 500Mhz) Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT
Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band March 2006 Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band Related References RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SM.329 Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SM.1539 Variation of the boundary between the out-of-band and spurious domains required for the application or Recommendations ITU-R SM.1541 and SM.329 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SM.1541 Unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT
Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band March 2006 Japanese Regulation for 60 GHz Unlicensed Band Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Law 6-4-2 Specified Low Power Radio Station (12) 59-66 GHz band Existing Listed Standards by ARIB [59-66GHz] (Apl: outdoor vertical environment) ARIB STD-T69 (Ver.2.1) Millimeter-wave Video Transmission Equipment *15-04-0005-00-mmwi-introduction-arib-t69-standard-mmwave-video-transmission.ppt *15-04-0649-00-003c-two-way-vertically-connected-wireless-link.ppt [59-66GHz] (Apl: indoor/outdoor environment) ARIB STD-T74(Ver.1) Millimeter-wave Data Transmission Equipment (Ultra High Speed Wireless LAN system) *Ex. Architecture: BRAIN(Broadband Radio Access Integrated Network in mm-wave) [60-61GHz] (Apl: outdoor vehicular environment) ARIB STD-T48(Ver.2) Millimeter-wave Rader Equipment *old sys. New systems are using 76GHz band. Hideto Ikeda Oki Electric, Yozo Shoji NICT