Presentation to the ACDM Working group on Knowledge and Innovation


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation to the ACDM Working group on Knowledge and Innovation International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Presentation to the ACDM Working group on Knowledge and Innovation Hanoi, 15 May 2018

IFRC Contribution to AADMER Priority Programme 8 (LEAD): Component 2, output 2.1. - ASCEND process Component 2, output 2.2. – ACE Programme Component 2, output 2.3. – IFRC online library Component 2, output 2.4., activity 2.4.3. – SGBV research

ASCEND IFRC committed to chairing the ASCEND Shelter Task force as part of it’s role as lead of the Global Shelter Cluster and co- lead of the Indonesian National Shelter Sub-Cluster. Dave Hodgkin from Humanitarian Benchmark Consulting engaged as lead consultant for the Shelter Task Force. Tasks to be completed by Task Force and Lead Consultant Status Define Shelter Competency Standards for 3 levels of the Shelter Profession Completed Create Shelter Resource manual for trainees (based on existing PMI Shelter Manual) Final Draft Create Trainers guidance manual 30% Create Assessors Manual 20%

ACE Programme IFRC has engaged in the ACE programme since 2015 Facilitating each year a week-long session dedicated to the Red Cross Red Crescent Supporting staff members of National Societies from ASEAN countries to join selected modules (including ERAT training) In 2017, IFRC and PMI co-facilitated a RCRC Induction training in Semarang, participated by representatives from NDMOs and AHA Centre.

Looking ahead: ACE Programme 2018 IFRC reaffirmed its continued engagement in delivering ACE training for 2018. On going discussion with Aha Centre and PMI for the venue for a tentative date of 20-24 August 2018. Proposed the inclusion of Gender Diversity and Women Leadership in disaster response within ACE curriculum 2018 Support a forum among (female) ACE alumni and ERAT members as part of the initiative to enhance women leadership.

IFRC Knowledge Hub - Resilience Library

IFRC resilience library: New platform since January 2018 The resilience library has main Features: 2,000+ documents (various languages) 5,300 visitors in 2017 Linked with monthly newsletter sent to 500+ recipients IFRC events recorded since 2011 with presentations and reports Link with Google Translate Integrated with social media for easy dissemination Group discussions available

IFRC resilience library, ASEAN activities featured Hosting resources from the ASEAN Safe School Initiative(ASSI) – contributing to AADMER priority 2) since 2016 Hosting the ASEAN Disaster Law mapping (contributing to AADMER priority 3) Hosting key documents related to the research on the attention to SGBV in disasters (contributing to AADMER priority programme 4) – final report under finalization Reports from IFRC engagement in ACE Programmes (AADMER priority 8)

ASEAN / IFRC study on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Disasters Endorsed by ACDM in 2107 Study conducted in three countries: Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines Results shared in a workshop with ACDM, ACW, ACWC early May 2018 Two more countries for 2018: Cambodia and Viet-Nam

Thank you © International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2016. Any part of this presentation may be cited, copied, translated into other languages or adapted to meet local needs without prior permission from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, provided that the source is clearly stated. Requests for commercial reproduction should be directed to the IFRC Secretariat at All photos used in this presentation are copyright of the IFRC unless otherwise indicated. This presentation was written and developed by Giorgio Ferrario and produced in May 2018 Relevant resources are available on FedNet at For further information, please contact or Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen's..that would conclude my presentation. I would like to thank all for your kind attention.