Budget Preparation: Data Entry FY 2019-2020 Harlingen CISD Presented by: Business Office Department 02.08.19
Budget Data Entry Instructions for FY 2019-2020 No changes in Budget Preparation data entry Again this year we will be using eFinance Plus to enter budget data. The following slides will guide you step by step on how to navigate in eFinance Plus for Budget Prep.
How to Log-in to Enter Budget You will use the same username login for eFinance Plus. The password will also be the same from your normal eFinance Plus login. Some of you (Departments) will have a second login, if you enter budget for other locations. The password should be the same as last year. If you forgot your password, please contact Ida Ambriz, or Data Systems. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Allocation Sheet Please refer to your campus/dept allocation sheets. This should agree to your budget information requested. Also, please do not enter any budget data for Federal programs, i.e. 2119,2129, etc. Mrs. Reynolds will enter this information for all campuses.
Any Questions? Please contact Ida Ambriz with any questions on your login, or problems with viewing accounts. Please contact Mr. Ramon Mendoza for budget questions. Thank you!