PROTESTANTS/CATHOLICS Surprisingly agreed that the separation of Church and State would lead to the secularization of society. For BOTH religions, a connection grew between religious heresy & economic dislocation
Lutherans - Protestants Protestant doctrines of the priesthood of all believers raises religious status of laypeople and provides greater income for city treasuries Tried to balance popular religious ideas with the aims of political authority
Calvininsts Predestination- God has already decided who would be saved/damned God is total power, humanity is total weakness Instead of focusing on the negative legacy of this, Calvinists believed in the redemptive work of Christ An energizing dynamic, becomes focused on work-ethic The most widely exported Reformation religion around the world
Legacy of Calvin/Calvinism Becomes model for: Presbyterians in Scotland Huguenots in France Puritan Churches in England Puritan Churches in New England
RADICAL REFORMATION Rejected ideas that Church and State need to be united, sought to create a voluntary community of believers Groups include Anabaptists, and later on Quakers, Baptists and Congregationalists Directly tied to the SEPARATION of Church and State in the U.S.A. today Severely condemned/murdered by Catholics, Protestants & Politicians (Germans/Swiss)