School Board Presentation FMHS September 21, 2015
Professional Learning Communities Last Year 2 years ago PLC’s every other week 18 total 7:20 – 8:50 each time PLC’s Every week 26 total 7:20 – 8:20 each time
~ Roughly 360 classes taught daily by 63 teachers Provides the following: Support and structure for 15 new staff Opportunity for staff to build uniform instruction Opportunity for staff to use data to help form instruction even in classes with multiple teachers and the same subject. A structured environment for collaboration Greater opportunity to work on Instructional Strategies
What we covered last year: Collection of Data Instructional Practice Using SLOs for Improving Instruction Common Assessments CBQM Analysis Data Analysis Cycle RANDA PARCC CurriculumMaps/Calendars Student Learning
PLC Focus This Year Research-based Instructional Strategies Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s) ACT Prep in English, Math, and Science
Improvements To Content Tutoring Added 3 more teachers assigned to content tutoring Tracking tardies/Attendance Lowering tardies from 5 to 3 Assigning afterschool detention for skipped class Last year the office would see over 70 students everyday for Attendance or Content tutoring This year we have been under 20 students per day with several days of not having to see a student at all.
Other Improvements Grades The Total Number of F went down 12.3% from 1st Semester to 2nd Semester last school year. Campus Clean-up – Effective method to lower tardies
Number of Behavior Events during the School Year Current Year Data: 58 Behavior Events during the first month of School
Current Year 71 Cut Classes
Tardies from 1st Semester 2013 vs 2014
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