Pollinators and Adaptations
Nature (wind, animals) Plants rely on their colors and scents to attract pollinators. If a plant doesn't have pretty colors or a sweet scent, then they must rely on nature to help them with the pollination process. For example the wind carries pollen.
Bats Bats are nocturnal They are important though in detecting certain pollens. Pollens produce a smell that is sensitive to bats. Cacti are an example of this.
Butterflies and Moths Scent is another characteristic. Another study found that many butterflies produce pheromones to entice the opposite sex, and this scent is similar to flowers that they are drawn to. As butterflies are perching feeders, they favor flowers with a landing platform. They gather pollen as they walk around flower clusters on their long and thin legs.
Bees A bee's main focus is getting nectar, a sugary liquid produced from flowers. While they are looking for nectar though, they collect pollen while they are on the flower. They transfer the pollen to other flowers and keep the pollination cycle going. Some of these plants include, cranberries, cherries, and apples just to name a few.
Hummingbird Humming birds are the most common birds to be pollinators. They are attracted to brightly colored flowers like Magnolias and Honeysuckle.
Adaptations in Flowers Scent Color Size Shape Hours open Location
Corpse Flower