Chapter 9 Trey Havard Belle Otte
Key Issue 1 Human Development Index (HDI) (is measured by) Economic Indicators Social Indicators Demographic Indicators
Economic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or a cumulation of: Job distribution Primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors Productivity Produce more with less effort in MDC’s because of machines Raw Materials The amount of raw materials measures a countries potential for development. Consumer Goods Production of nonessentials for citizens.
Social Indicators Health and Wellfare Education and Literacy More hospitals in MDC’s= better medical care. Education and Literacy The average student attends school for 10 years in an MDC, while in LDC’s that’s usually 3-5 years.
Demographic Indicators Life Expectancy Males live 9 years longer in MDC’s, while Females live 13 years longer in MDC’s Infant Mortality Rate 90% survive in LDC’s, 99% survive in MDC’s Natural Increase Rate >2% in LDC’s, <1% in MDC’s Crude Birth Rate 40 per thousand in LDC’s, 15 per thousand in MDC’s.
Key Issue 2 More Developed Regions Less Developed Regions Latin America,, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa Less Developed Regions Anglo America, Japan, South Pacific, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe
More Developed Regions Have high-priced goods export markets Have secondary and tertiary services Have large labor forces Have even wealth-distribution
Less Developed Regions Have high raw material exportations Have controlling governments Have uneven wealth distribution Have primary jobs and services Have clashing ethnicities
Key Issue 3 Gender Empowerment Measure Gender-Related Development Index (is measued by) Economic Indicators Social Indicators Demographic Indicators Gender Empowerment Measure Political Indicators
Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) Economic measures how much money women are making (in comparison to men). Social measures how much women are learning (in comparison to men). Demographic measures how much longer women are living (in comparison to men).
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) Economic measures how much women are earning (in comparison to men) and how many are in male-dominated professions. Political measures how many women are in elected offices or governmental positions (in comparison to men).
Key Issue 4 Self-Sufficiency Approach to Development Development through International Trade Rostow’s Development Model
Self-Sufficency Country isolates and spreads their wealth Tried by:India, China, African countries, and Eastern European countries
International Trade Country locates and harvests natural resources/ services available only through them to sell to different countries. Tried by: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, United Arab Emirats, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong
Rostow’s Development Model Traditional society -> the preconditions for takeoff -> the takeoff -> the drive to maturity -> the age of mass consumption Assumes that the LDC that tries this has an abundance of raw materials.