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Presentation transcript:


QUESTION: Why did God give us free will if he could have just programmed us to always do the right thing and always choose the best?

FREEDOM AND MORALITY “Freedom is so central to the moral life that without it we cannot properly speak of being moral persons at all. If we are beyond freedom, then we are beyond morality.” -Richard Gula

GENESIS 3 & FREEDOM Take turns reading through Genesis Chapter 3. As you read through it, discuss and answer (in writing) the following questions on a separate piece of paper. This is worth 10 points. 1. What was the relationship like between Adam, Eve & God BEFORE they ate from the tree? 2. What do you think Eve was thinking about when the serpent tempted her? 3. What is the real reason why you think Eve ended up eating the fruit of the tree? 4. What do you think Adam was thinking when Eve offered him the fruit? 5. What was the relationship like between Adam, Eve & God AFTER they ate from the tree? 6. Look at the end of the chapter. What did God mean when He said, “the man has become like one of us, knowing what is good and what is bad?” 7. If this chapter is all about freedom/free will, what do you think is the lesson about freedom or choices or about God? Put some thought into your answer. 8. What do you think would’ve happened if Eve had never eaten the fruit?

ORIGINAL SIN What was the Original Sin? “God knows well that the moment you eat of [the fruit] your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods.” –The Serpent (Genesis 3:5) And what happened after they ate it? “they realized that they were naked.” (3:7) It was PRIDE that led to DISOBEDIENCE

CONCUPISCENCE Definition: The human inclination to sin, originating from Original Sin. So what does Baptism do? Baptism washes us free from the GUILT of Original Sin, but… Concupiscence remains

Catechism #1730 "God willed that man should be 'left in the hand of his own counsel,' so that he might of his own accord: seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to [God].” We are made free so that we may ON OUR OWN choose to love & follow GOD We are never forced to love. It’s impossible.


FREEDOM OF INDIFFERENCE Put forward by William of Ockham in the 14th century Is based on a view of God as a supreme judge God’s will is free to do whatever God wishes We must follow God’s will or else we are sinning Our will is NOT connected to God’s will Morality is based on Obligations

FREEDOM FOR EXCELLENCE Put forward by Thomas Aquinas in 14th century It views God as a coach to help us become better people It views freedom like a muscle or a skill that develops Morality is based on the question of the absolute Good and Truth The goal of morality is for us to become happier As time goes on, we should understand better God’s will.