By: Susan E. Goodman Life on the Ice
wilderness A wild unlived-in area of land Explorers often travel through the wilderness, or unsettled areas.
gliding Sliding, moving, or flying along with ease Gliding along with the wind must be a thrilling experience.
colony A group of people or animals that live together Penguins live in colonies, or groups, in the Southern Hemisphere.
shelter A place that covers or protects This bus stop shelter protects people from the weather while waiting to catch a bus.
unexpected Without warning It is totally unexpected to see a man coming out of the ground.
overheated Heated beyond the safe point It looks like Mr. Smith’s car is a bit overheated!
constant Always the same Steady, or constant, rain makes the sidewalk very slippery.
climate Usual weather conditions in an area over many years The climate in Antarctica is extremely cold.
layer One thickness This cruise ship is trying to travel through a layer of ice.
region A certain area or space These cactus plants only grow in dry regions.
Review Words wilderness gliding region colony shelter unexpected overheated constant climate layer