Emissions of greenhouse gases from aviation and navigation in Belgium E. Cornelis, K. Jespers, K. Aernouts, I. De Vlieger, C. De Bosscher, I. Higuet, M. Govaert, E. Hannon København 17-18/05/2004
Aviation - navigation
België – La Belgique – Belgien UNFCCC Regional authorities Cooperation agreement and federal authorities Main country specific problem: GHG emission inventory: regional issue In spite of consultation: differences in methodology Rechearch Institutes IEA/Eurostat
Aviation Flanders Wallonia Activity data From different airports Emission factors CO2: IPCC CH4, N2O: EMEP/Corinair Bunker Gasoline = domestic Kerosene = international Military: same segmentation Details from one airport, estimate for the other Military = domestic, unless stated otherwise
Navigation Flanders Wallonia Brussels Activity data From different administrative bodies Regional ministry Port of Brussels Fuel consumption Average fuel consumption Emission factor CO2: IPCC CH4, N2O: EMEP/Corinair Bunker Based on Belgian Petrol Balance (supply survey) Fishery agriculture (not relevant)
Problems Different responsible authorities: difference in data and methodology Data collection: on voluntary basis Not all airports provide all needed information Data collection from different sources Especially for inland navigation Very difficult to distinguish between local / international
EU EU level data EU-domestic / international Usefulness depends on allocation method and level of detail Might be useful for verification purposes Definitions of bunker fuel: harmonisation desirable EU-domestic / international Not feasible for Belgium Aviation: Eurocontrol/-stat data can be very useful Which country can ?
Future plans Flanders: Model for estimation of emission of inland navigation and rail Based on fuel consumption survey among bargees Project Mopsea: monitoring pollution of sea-going vessels