Labor Movement Labor unions formed. Workers tried collective bargaining to gain more power against employers. One form was the strike, in which workers stop work until their demands are met. Child laborers in 1890 1
Labor Unions of the Late 1800s American Federation of Labor (AFL) Industry and Activity Knights of Labor included all workers from any trade devoted to broad social reform American Federation of Labor (AFL) included skilled workers focused on specific worker issues American Railway Union (ARU) included rail workers conducted the Pullman Strike of 1894 2
Terms and People (continued) Knights of Labor – a labor union that included workers of any trade, skilled or unskilled Terence V. Powderly – the leader of the Knights of Labor beginning in 1881 who encouraged boycotts and negotiations with employers Samuel Gompers – a poor English immigrant who formed the AFL, a skilled workers union, in 1886 AFL – American Federation of Labor, a loose organization of skilled workers from many unions devoted to specific crafts or trades 3
As membership in unions grew in the 1870s, a wave of confrontations between labor and management rocked the country. A major strike of railroad workers in 1877 resulted in the federal government sending in troops to restore order.
The 1886 Haymarket Riot made many Americans wary of labor unions. Across the nation, workers mounted demonstrations for more rights. One such protest in Chicago turned violent. The 1886 Haymarket Riot made many Americans wary of labor unions. 5
Yet another conflict broke out with the Homestead Strike Yet another conflict broke out with the Homestead Strike. Troops were called in to quell fighting between workers and Carnegie Steel. One year later, the Pullman Palace Car Company laid off rail workers and cut wages. This touched off the Pullman Strike, which halted nationwide railroad traffic and mail delivery. 6
The government ordered strike organizers, led by Eugene V The government ordered strike organizers, led by Eugene V. Debs, to end the strike. He refused and was sent to jail. Troops were called in to end the strike. 7
Terms and People (continued) Haymarket Riot – a labor protest in Chicago in 1886 that ended in dozens of deaths when someone threw a bomb Homestead Strike – an 1892 Pennsylvania steelworkers’ strike that resulted in violence between company police and strikers Eugene V. Debs – leader of the American Railway Union who eventually became a Socialist Pullman Strike – a nationwide strike in 1894 of rail workers that halted railroads and mail delivery
Effects of the Labor Movement Employers successfully appealed for court orders against unions. Contract disputes and strikes continued to occur as American industry grew. The labor movement split into different factions. Debs helped organize the American Socialist Party and the IWW. 9