Andy Baio 2009, Kind of Bloop, an 8-bit tribute to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue Jay Maisel, who made photography for original album cover art sues Settles for $32.5k, Baio and his lawyers believe it's a fair use, but cheaper to settle
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. v. RDR Books 2007/2008 Warner Bros. And Rowling against RDR RDR tried to publish The Harry Potter Lexicon, an online fan-based encyclopedia with its creator, Steve Vander Ark Ruling: in favor of Rowling since too much of her creative work was appropriated Sig: Authors have the right to make reference guides, but don't have the total right to do such Vander Ark published The Lexicon: An Unauthorized Guide to Harry Potter Fiction in 2009
Sandoval v. New Line Cinema Corp 1997 Photographer Jorge Antonio Sandoval Pictures appeared in background of John Doe's apartment 11 camera shots, 35.6 seconds, out of focus Ruling: In favor of New Line; use was minimal and a fair use
Ron English
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