H2.5-2.6 Horse Care H2.5c Plan Work This presentation has been produced by Ausintec Academy (Study Horses .com) for purpose of Educational Training. It is not for sale and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission from the Director of Ausintec Academy
Plan Work Overview Work Goals and Plans Planning and Prioritising Work Business Requirements Ethics Work not only provides you with money but also provides you with challenges, building and developing your skills and providing opportunities to meet new people. Your role in the workplace will be outlined in a job description which may be delivered to you verbally or in written format. A job description is a list of the duties and tasks an employee has agreed to undertake in a particular job. This workbook covers the knowledge needed to plan for to complete these duties and tasks.
Work Goals and Plans Organisational Horse industry goal examples:- A horse riding lesson business aims to improve monthly profits by 10% Departmental Both the trail riding and riding lesson departments have a goal to ensure horses are ready on time and to greet customers in a professional and friendly manner. Personal The horse riding coach has a personal work goal to improve time management skills to ensure lessons run on time. A goal is an object or aim that a business or individual strives to achieve. In a workplace you will find that there are many different goals which operate at different levels (i.e., departmental, organisational, personal) and may be short term or long term. In a work environment it is important that goals do not conflict with each other.
Work Goals and Plans Organisational Examples of plans that would assist in achieving the goals:- Organisational Research different types of advertising which would be financially viable to the business. Departmental Staff members ensure they dress appropriately and professionally for work and use efficient time management skills and practices. Personal The coach develops lesson plans for each lesson, starts each lesson on time and wears a watch or organises for a clock to be positioned close to the arena where it can be easily referred to. A plan is a system of action to be taken to work towards achieving the goal. Plans should be relevant to the goal to be achieved and actively productive in achieving them. People in the work environment such as supervisors, managers, coaches, mentors, colleagues and peers can assist in determining work goals and plans.
Planning and Prioritising Work Planning workloads before you start any task ensures that you don’t waste time in performing un-necessary tasks. Also by knowing the size of the task and the time frame you have to complete it you will be able to figure out the steps to take to finish the task within the time frame, which will help to minimise time wasting activities. Planning and prioritising work will lead to effective and efficient work habits. An effective worker achieves results and an efficient worker achieves the results with a minimum of resources and energy. To be efficient you need to know what needs to be done and plan for it.
Business Requirements Workplaces will have organisational requirements which are standards, policies, practices and guidelines by which employees must abide by and follow while they are working. Organisational requirements include:- ethical standards OHS policies, procedures and programs access principles/practice equity principles/practice anti-discrimination policy sexual harassment policy goals, objectives, plans, systems, processes business plans performance plans
Ethics Horse Training Horse Handling Coaching Horse Management An important principle which relates to moral matters (e.g., ‘right’ or ‘wrong’) is ethics or being ethical. Ethics are a set of principles, theory or system of right conduct or moral value of human conduct. Examples of ethical behaviour include:- treating colleagues with respect being true to your word or doing what you say you will opposing unethical or inappropriate behaviour in colleagues telling the truth Disapproved of behaviours are:- bullying cheating breaking rules lying Horse Management
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References Publication:- Author:- Websites:- Organise and complete daily work activities Belinda Henwood & Software Publications Writing team Websites:- http://www.volunteeringaustralia.org homepages.wmich.edu/.../assignment3/Tutoring.htm