www.hourworld.org To get started you simply go to the website www.hourworld.org and click on the join tab.
From the drop down menu select: CA-Joshua Tree: Transition Joshua Tree Then you need to select which exchange you would like to be a member of, ours is CA-Joshua Tree: Tranisition Joshua Tree.
https://hourworld.org/bank/Join.php?hw=1617 You will then be brought to our application page. You simply complete the application and within a few days you will receive an email stating that you have been approved to be a member of the Joshua Tree Time Bank.
www.hourworld.org Once you are a member you will now click on the Member Login button to be able to login to your time bank account.
You will be brought to this page to login in, I know it isn’t the Joshua Tree Time bank page. But you simply need to enter your email address and the password you have chosen and you will be transported to the Joshua Tree Time Bank Page.
Here is what your page will look like after you have logged in.