Lora Stuart Profile Assignment English 2010
Deepak Deepak Born in New Delhi, India in 1947 Attended All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi Moved to the US in 1970 Became Chief of Staff at New England Memorial Hospital
In 1980 Deepak discovered Transcendental Meditation and met with the inventor Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He began to practice yoga and eliminated the cigarettes and alcohol from his daily habits. He discovered a peace and sense of well being that he had not felt since he was a child. He began to study Ayurveda medicine, a 5,000-year-old Indian medicine practice that uses special diets, herbal solutions, and other unique natural practices (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
Beach Chair by the Ocean
He left his Chief of Staff position at Boston Regional Medical Center to pursue studies in alternative medicine (Biography Channel). He then partnered with Maharishi and created a company that specialized in herbal teas and oils and found success in the alternative medicine world (Pettinger). He became the healer to the stars. He was living his dream of teaching people how to heal themselves. He believed that balance and simplicity were important aspects to keeping the physical body healthy.
The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. ~Deepak Chopra
Deepaks message is one of simplicity. He says that if one eats a diet of natural, unprocessed foods, exercises on a regular basis, lives in the moment, enjoys loving joyous relationships, and takes time to meditate, the body will ward off diseases. He recommends practicing yoga, which is a form of moving meditation. Many Americans have difficulty embracing this type of advice in a time where most people are rushing from one place to another with their lives full of myriad commitments, For some it may seem almost impossible to find even a few minutes for self reflection (Chopra).
Every skill you learn creates a new neural network in your brain. Every new thought creates a unique pattern of brain activity. Any change in mood is conveyed via messenger molecules to every part of the body, altering the basic chemical activity of each cell. Every time you exercise, you alter your skeleton and muscles. Every bite of food alters your daily metabolism, electrolyte balance, and proportion of fat to muscle. (Chopra 14)
He is a senior scientist for the Gallup Corporation and leads many scientific research projects (Gallup). He works with top some of the top universities such as Harvard University and the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, and his foundation The Chopra Center; funds research studies on the effects of meditation on the telomerase surrounding the genes which shorten overtime and which affect the aging process and cardiac cells. He also is an accredited medical doctor and holds licenses in Massachusetts and California (Biography Channel).
A best selling author, renowned endocrinologist, mediation and well being teacher, and one of the most famous alternative medicine practioners, Deepak has inspired millions of people and taught them to slow down and integrate all aspects of their being. He teaches many of the countries political and business leaders how to stay centered and find the best way to lead and teach others. He reminds people that just to be alive is reason enough to be joyous. Through his example people can learn to stay centered and be successful on their journey to success.
Beach Chair by the Ocean Biography Channel. Biography.com. 1 June A&E Networks. 10 February Chopra, Deepak. Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create A New You. New York: Crown Publishing, Gallup. 1 January February National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. NCCAM.com. 12 November February Pettinger, Tejvan. Biography Online. 24 December Creative Contributions. 10 February 2014.