The Roman Republic Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
100 200 300 400 500 Roman Government Punic Wars Punic Wars Effects Roman Republic Life Vocab 100 200 300 400 500
These Roman laws, written on bronze tablets, were the first to be posted in Rome’s Forum for all to see, understand and obey.
Answer – 100 The Twelve Tables
The United States has one president The United States has one president. The Roman Republic had two of these who ran Rome’s government and military.
Answer – 200 Consuls
To keep the Senate in check, this section of the Roman Republic was developed to protect the rights of the plebeians.
Answer – 300 Tribunes
Chosen for life, this section of the Roman Republic proposed laws, advised the consuls, and handled Rome’s daily government operations.
Answer – 400 The Senate
This section of the Roman Republic had the power to declare war, agree to peace terms, and submit ideas to the Senate and tribunes.
Answer – 500 Citizen Assembly
The Punic Wars consisted of three different wars fought between these two city-states.
Answer – 100 Rome and Carthage
All three Punic Wars were won by this city-state, which resulted in more territory and greater power.
Answer – 200 Rome
The Carthaginians attempted to use these animals to cross the snow-covered Alps and infiltrate Rome.
Answer – 300 Elephants
This Carthaginian general led a surprise attack by marching his troops through the Alps and attacking Rome from the North. Too bad his army ran out of supplies.
Answer – 400 Hannibal
To destroy enemy farmlands during the Punic Wars, soldiers plowed this substance into fields to prevent anything from growing.
Answer – 500 Salt
Due to destroyed crops and loss of farmland, many farmers moved here.
Answer – 100 The city of Rome
After the Punic Wars, small farms were replaced by large farming estates known as these.
Answer – 200 Latifundias
Aside from farmers who decided to work on the lands they sold, most labor on the latifundias were performed by these two groups.
Answer – 300 Slaves and captives
As more and more farmers moved into the city, living conditions became terrible due to these effects. (Name two)
Answer – 400 Very crowded Not enough fresh water Waste was unable to be removed Buildings caught fire or collapsed Diseases spread
As some farmers worked construction jobs, others made money by selling these to politicians.
Answer – 500 Votes
These two social classes made up the majority of the Roman Republic.
Patricians and Plebeians Answer – 100 Patricians and Plebeians
The Twelve Tables forbade Plebeians to marry this group of people.
Answer – 200 Patricians
Religion was very important to the Romans Religion was very important to the Romans. They borrowed religious practices from the Etruscans who, in turn, borrowed their religious practices from this group.
Answer – 300 The Greeks
Because it was smaller, faster, and could attack from many directions, the Roman legion was better than this Greek battle formation.
Answer – 400 The Phalanx
According to the Twelve Tables, this was the consequence if a person was caught insulting or gossiping about another person in public.
Answer – 500 Being Clubbed to Death
The power to strike down or say no to an act or law, this power was given to consuls and tribunes of the Roman Republic.
Answer – 100 Veto
Rome’s poorer citizens who paid taxes and served in the army.
Answer – 200 Plebeians
This was the name given to the Roman army.
Answer – 300 Legion
A tax collector in Rome was called this.
Answer – 400 Publican
A form of government in which people choose their rulers, just like in the United States.
Answer – 500 Republic