Primary 5 with Miss Gordon
Our Class Charter Primary 5 made a Class Charter at the start of the school session. We talked about the rules and routines we needed in our classroom to help us learn and reach our full potential. This will be linked to house points and dojo points. The children will be rewarded when displaying these attributes.
A Growth Mindset Primary 5 have been talking about how to keep a growth mindset. We have a lovely display in our classroom to remind us to keep trying and to stay positive to achieve our best.
A Growth Mindset
PE Days Primary 5 have PE on a Monday and Wednesday.
Homework The children will be encouraged to read for pleasure each evening. This can be a book of their own choice or they can also use Bug Club at home. On a Monday and Wednesday night the children will be asked to practice Spelling Learn-its. A list of the children’s Spelling Learn-its will be sent home at the start of the term. Each week a small section of the list (usually between 5 and 10 words) will be sent home with the children to practice using active spelling activities. This will be reinforced with activities in the classroom.
Homework On a Tuesday and Thursday night the children will be asked to practice Big Maths Learn-its. The children can also use the Sum-Dog website at home to play games if they wish. A list of suggested Maths games will be sent home. In terms 3 and 4 an extended piece of work will be sent home with details from myself. This will be completed over a period of time as directed.
Class Blog Our class blog will be updated regularly to include details of things we have been working on in class, so keep your eyes peeled to learn more!
Thank you! Examples of suggested Spelling and Maths homework activities will be demonstrated in the classroom. Thank you for coming along!