Local Dynamics and Solutions in [Mogadishu] Exchange on Local Solutions to Urban Displacement Mogadishu, 21 October 2018
Over 700,000 with a lower, but steady inflow of IDPs Background/ Context Protracted displacement prior to the drought: +400,000 (Mog. IDP profiling 2016) “Newly” displaced 2016-2018: +300,000 (drought and conflict) Last 4 months 5000+ plus families– (conflict related displacement) Kaxda, Deynile, Darkhenley, Garisbaley etc. and smaller concentrations of protracted displaced in Hodan, Hamarweyne, and Wardighley Camp across the region in desperate conditions – Shelter, WASH, Protection etc.. Largest Internal Displacement in Somalia
Mogadishu City Dealing With Displacement Urbanisation Mog 2nd fastest growing city in the world 1/3 of the population lives in major urban centres, by 2030 90% will live in cities Average annual population growth : 4.1% (Mogadishu 6.2% 2005-15, net of IDPs)
Governance and Humanitarian Response Governor/Mayor - Appointed Governor/Mayor along with 5 Deputies lead BRA 17 appointed DCs with appointed counsel Mogadishu located in Benadir Region Region has Dept of Humanitarian Affairs under the Social Affairs Department Addresses urgent humanitarian issues Staff – 10 mid-junior level staff Regional Humanitarian Coordinator and Durable Solutions (support department & set strategy to end displacement) Current complement of staffing under staffed and under resourced for current humanitarian case load/ emergencies
Approaches and ongoing work Community Engagement Approaches and ongoing work Is-XilQaan program Pre-district Council formation part of the Wadajir Framework & stabilization strategy Partnership and consultation with key institutions such as - district administrations, security agencies, civil society groups and all segments of the community. Neighbourhood Watch programs to all 17 districts Infrastructure Projects Construction of 5 roads during the last 7 months Phase 1 of the SURR interlocking project to rebuild community roads.
Partnerships & Coordination structures Historically region has had very little coordination mechanisms in place Agencies/Humanitarian actors have worked in districts without BRA engagement Parallel systems (local partners, IC, and gov’t) Harmonized approach needed Established bilateral partnerships include European Union, UNHabitat, UNHCR, IOM Recent efforts led by Regional Coordinator have yielded increased interactions with partners (WFP, OCHA)
Challenges Dramatic lack of protective services Minimal security in settlement areas Multidimensional issues related to evictions (multiple actors enforcing them, inadequate resources for prevention and response to evictions) Often heavy emphasis/engagement with non state actors Under resourced local government
Challenges Structural issues to land legislation, registries Lack of capacity in municipal land management. Fragmentation between the Department of Public Works and the lands offices Land dispute committee not fully capacitated Land and housing
Challenges Overall, access to services has improved in the city, however not for displaced Infrastructure is improved, but not with a systematic and strategic approach (limited capacity to proper urban planning) High rates of unemployment. Significant lack of livelihood opportunities among displaced youth. Systems and Services
Challenges 47% IDPs as of 2016 wanted to locally integrated Need to reassess given the dramatic increase in displacement, Those wanting to remain in Mogadishu are in displacement Lack of common vision for DS (Gov’t and IC) Aspirations of displacement affected communities
Challenges Establishment of interstate committee to work on returns (most IDPs from SWS/Galmudug/Hirshabele) Creating push factor to return home Security challenges forcing residents to continue to flee and preventing returns Regional politics (FMS and FGS) Requiring Inter-state Cooperation
Opportunities Renewed regional focus on ending displacement Held multiple consultative meetings on displacement Released evictions report with clear recommendations on systemic gov’t led mechanism IDP Policy to be published early November BRA Humanitarian Coordination Forum scheduled Nov 6, 2018 (improve coordination & established share common goals Establishment of Durable Solutions Unit (Nov, 2018) Numerous DS initiatives EU-REINTEG DFID-IOM DANIDA-DRC
Way forward Through improved coordination and common vision among all stakeholders on displacement we would to … Ensure basic services are improved to acceptable standards Gradual shift towards increased self‐reliance & increased accountability Creation of strategic regional framework promotes a developmental model, building opportunities and capacities for sustainable durable solutions to protracted displacement.