Training For Everyone South Farnham Teaching School Continual professional development is a fundamental right and responsibility of every teacher. South Farnham Teaching School has developed a comprehensive programme of training which addresses the needs of all adults working with children, whatever their experience or stage of career development. We have training facilities for groups of all sizes, all with access to a wide range of multi-media resources, delivered by outstanding practising professionals. AfL using a Taxonomy of Learning for Differentiation - A guide to incorporating understanding of learning progression and higher order learning skills £100 pp (£75 pp for groups of 3 or more). Gifted and Talented Provision - An inclusive approach to curriculum development (half day) £75 pp (£50 pp for groups of 3 or more) La Porte Ouverte- Positively embedding MFL in KS1 and KS2. Sessions will run on 3 Monday mornings across the Autumn term. Session 1: Greetings and names. Developing accurate pronunciation. Session 2: Responding to simple questions. Understanding words relating to families. Session 3: Recognising and pronouncing numbers. Asking and responding to questions using praise words. £199 pp (covers entire module consisting of three sessions) CPD across the curriculum for Teachers and/ or Teaching Assistants Understanding and gaining skills for the best pupil outcomes: English (writing, EGPS, phonics), Maths, PSHE, RE, Drama, Music, Computing One or two day options available. £100 pp (£75 pp for groups of 3 or more). PSHE as a Subject Leader – will your school be ready to deliver relationships education for the 2019 deadline for statutory PSHE provision? £150 for 3 twilight sessions. Please contact Claire Donnachie to discuss any of the advertised courses or to design a bespoke development programme. Alternatively you can sign up for our termly CPD updates by sending your name and contact details to : ‘The continual pursuit of excellence’
Training for a range of professional needs Training For Everyone South Farnham Teaching School Leadership Training Training for a range of professional needs Developing Senior Leadership- Developing Senior Leadership is aimed at existing, new and aspiring senior leaders, or simply to develop some additional capacity within your school. The programme will enable senior leaders to develop their leadership skills and qualities and will give them the confidence to make a difference to the quality of children’s learning in schools. It is delivered through five afternoon sessions over six months, beginning in the Spring Term- £250 pp Return to Primary Teaching- A course for qualified teachers looking to update their knowledge of the educational landscape and regain confidence in the classroom. A variety of taught sessions delivered by expert primary practitioners as well as observation and teaching experience in our outstanding infant or junior settings. Focused on key changes at national level, such as, the National Curriculum and assessment procedures as well as providing practical training regarding up to date pedagogy and methodology. The teaching placement is a bespoke element of the course allowing us to personalise your training to your needs and experience. 2 week course £350 pp School effectiveness- A comprehensive view of developing cohesive monitoring and evaluation procedures linked to whole- school improvement £100 pp. Developing Middle Leadership- Developing Middle Leadership is aimed at existing, new and aspiring middle leaders, or simply to develop some additional capacity within your school. The programme will enable middle leaders to develop their leadership skills and qualities and will give them the confidence to make a difference to the quality of children’s learning in schools. Teaching Assistant Training- Accredited QCA Level Three Certificate for Supporting Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. A supported training programme with personal assessor/ mentor leading to accreditation. Family- friendly timings and arrangements for tutorials. Tutorials are run across one academic year- £350 pp. Searching for the Pot of Gold- Strategic Financial Management training for managing the budget, fund-raising and financial planning for success. One or two-day option- £100 per day pp. Leading and Managing a Successful School- Covering all aspects: Planning and Assessment; Closing the Gap; Budgeting; Creating revenue streams; Recruitment and Retention. Three days- £250 pp Please contact Claire Donnachie to discuss any of the advertised courses or to design a bespoke development programme. Alternatively you can sign up for our termly CPD updates by sending your name and contact details to : ‘The continual pursuit of excellence’