Time Lapse Video Kass • Sept 2018
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: A location far away from areas with high light pollution http://darksitefinder.com/map/ What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: A digital camera (the better the sensitivity, the better for shooting timelapse videos) For example: Sony #a7s (the first version!) Full frame with only 12mp=very sensitive. The successor (#a7sII) has the nasty Star Eater problem! Informative: https://www.lonelyspeck.com/category/gear/ What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: A wide-angle lense (+/- 14mm is great). (Beware of the crop-factor when using a APC-S sensor sized camera) For example: Walimex 14mm f/2.8 Great quality, affordable! https://www.lonelyspeck.com/rokinon-14mm-f2-8-review/ https://www.maiocchi.de/testbericht/walimex-samyang-rokinon-14mm-f28-im-praxistest-ein-erfahrungsbericht/ What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky The sturdier, the better. But some can weight more than 3kg. So be aware about that. Interesting alternative: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p7008_Skywatcher-Star-Adventurer-travel-mount---Astro-Photo-Set.html A must: A tripoid The Star Adventurer travel mount makes astro imaging easy! Fully equipped with camera holders, counterweight and polar wedge, fitting to every photo tripod. You can mount it on a “normal” tripoid. You can use it for timelapse and! astrophotography with celestial tracking. What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: A remote shutter What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: Enough batteries!! (Or an external power supply) What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: Enough space on memory-cards (600 pics made by a Sony a7s with 12mp sensor => 8GB memory space!) What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky A must: Time!!! (or a remote shutter; then you can even go to bed while the camera is working for you;-) What do i need for a timelapse:
What do i need for a time lapse video of the night sky Post processing: - Lightroom (or something similar for processing the sequences) - Any software which turns sequence of images into a time lapse video (Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Avid, After Effects, Quicktime, iMovie etc) Optional: - LRTimelapse (Advanced Time Lapse Photography made easy!) Links: (Deep) https://timelapsenetwork.com/tutorial/beginners-guide-timelapse-photography/ (Short) https://makezine.com/projects/how-to-capture-breathtaking-time-lapses-of-the-night-sky/ Postprocessing: https://lrtimelapse.com/
How do i do a Time Lapse video If i wanna do a time lapse from the Milky Way, i avoid the 2 weeks before/after full moon Mostly doing time laps in the mountains/Swiss Alps Some clouds are ok (as long as there are no high clouds as Cirrus) The weather forecast is a must, some special forecasts too (https://www.meteoblue.com/de/wetter/vorhersage/seeing/bad-schwarzsee_schweiz_2661643) ! Mostly i use a Walimex 14mm f2.8 wide-angle lens @f2.8 on a Sony a7s. ISO depends, mostly 6400 and 20s exposure time. Noise reduction etc off. Pictures saved as Raw (and sometimes additionally as JPEG too) Shutter intervall 25 sec -> That means in 6 hours you will produce 864 pics It’s better if you (can) use a power adaptor than batteries. There are always vibrations while changing the battery Be aware of dew; wide-angle lenses are very vulnerable for dew! You can’t use a dew shield because of the wide-angle nature of those lenses (you just would see the dew-shield on the pics). Only a dew heater can solve this problem adequately.