We were inspired by testimony week – many of you are starting to stand out for Christ!
Today we want to talk about courage to step out of the closet!
Some people spend most of their time trying to blend in.
But those who change the world are those who stand out!
You have to Stand Out if you hope to live the vision You have to Stand Out if you hope to live the vision! Check out a few quotes from the vision:
Jesus Calls his Followers to Be: * Salt and Light * A City on a hill * Unashamed Jesus called his followers to be salt and light in the world
Jesus was not ashamed of us Jesus was not ashamed of us – he died on a cross on a hill for you and for me. he died on a cross on a hill for us!
Are we ashamed of him? Are we ashamed of Jesus?
There are two ways to stand out: Thru Actions (Show) Thru Words (Tell) How do we stand out? (1) Through Actions and (2) Through Words. This is Show and Tell.
Always preach the gospel where necessary use words! Show! We Must Show - St. francis of Assissi said: Always preach the gospel, where necessary use word. Always preach the gospel where necessary use words!
We must encourage each other to show love and do good things. Hebrews 10:24 Help each other – spur one another on to love and good deeds! We must encourage each other to show love and do good things.
Tell! Tell: We need to tell our friends about Jesus – they need to know that he died for them to restore them into relationship with Father God and wants them to spend an eternity with him.
Do we need encouragement for evangelising our friends? Video Clip: The Evangelism linebacker - Download it from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvYFvhx1dcY
It’s time to leave the closet!!!