Face Up Whole School Approach Ariel Trust Face Up Whole School Approach Training is delivered in three parts Part One – will provide background information and introduction to Face Up content Part two and three will provide detail of module 1 and 2
Whole School Approach Introduction Classroom activities in ‘Face Up’ are complemented by whole-school activities designed to reinforce learning within the school, and to a lesser extent the family environment. Enhance knowledge about what is abusive behaviour and where to go for help, reinforce less accepting attitudes towards dating violence, and encourage pupils experiencing or witnessing abuse to use their skills to act. This approach reflects the WHO Health Promoting Schools framework (Langford et al., 2014), which emphasises that curriculum inputs (i.e. class lessons) should be reinforced by changes to the school ethos and environment as well as engagement with families or communities.
Key Areas for Implementation Parents letter and leaflet. Posters displayed around school. Assembly.