Mod 124 Steve Nunnington
History of the 10 day rule 10 day rule covered in M 3.3.4 System capacity of 400,000 meter reads per day as set out in UK Link manual. Problems in 2003. Meter read submissions start to increase rapidly. 3 days in August saw meter read submissions exceed 1 million mark. Caused massive problems as batch schedules overrun. Initially functionality introduced to reject files above the 400,000 figure. Eventually introduced changes to rollover meter read files. M 3.3.4 wasn’t used prior to CTP Mods New Mods to introduce PP opening read estimates and AMR reads CTP Mods to introduced OSER and POS reads Increases potential number of reads which could be submitted
History of M 3.3.4 Mod 693 introduced to restrict amount of meter reads which could be submitted per MRF. It was decided to invoke M 3.3.4 to protect UK Link and was communicated to the Workstream. Main issue is stockpiling of reads. Shipper issues identified following delivery of CTP Mods and subsequent implementation of 10 day rule. Shippers had historical meter reading backlogs. xoserve relaxed M 3.3.4 to 99 days for period of 3 months March to June 2006. Involved agreed schedule of submission Rollover of meter read files daily with weekend catch up. Major issues encountered on UK Link Not sustainable in the long term In June 2006 M 3.3.4 re-instated.
Benefits of Mod 124 Allows xoserve to receive more meter reads. Improves AQ values. Allows more reconciliation to take place. Helps with demand attribution. Makes Energy balancing more robust. Has benefits for shippers in terms of validation timescales.
The proposal xoserve systems cannot currently support a window of 20 days. Allows reads to be stockpiled and the 400,000 limit exceeded. Examples before the Mods where in a single month meter read submissions exceeded 1 million per day on 3 occasions. Potentially could mean a perpetual rollover with no catch up. May affect Opening Read window due to rollover. An xoserve estimate could be issued when an actual read has been submitted.
The Way Forward xoserve systems can handle a window of 15 days and would propose this as a transitional measure. UK Link refresh will mean improved processing speeds. Potential to increase the 400,000 maximum. Move to 20 days post refresh. Initially on a trial basis. UK Link Refresh planned for November 2007.