National Sensory Impairment Partnership update 5th Feb 2013 VCS DfE grant funding activities 2011 – 2013: Outcomes benchmarking Effective practice and Quality Standards Workforce development Emotional Resilience Equality and Access
Other NatSIP activities Policy group SEN Pathfinder pilots Future sustainability of NatSIP HoSS Case studies and publications on issues raised by NatSIP partners NatSIP website development Work with SEC, CDC,etc
DfE invitation to tender (by 4th Jan 2013) for a new contract to provide a national advice and support service for sensory impairments: “The proposed contract would seek to expand our national approach to helping deaf, blind and multi-sensory impaired children across the majority of local authorities and to provide sector-led support to ensure that sensory support services are able to provide an effective service to all schools that need it. The contract will also cover specific measure to develop the support available for children using sign-language.”
2013 - 2015 Preferred bidder for DfE SI contract will be known “early February” Whatever the outcome for NatSIP it will be “business as usual” - working together with partners to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment in the changing environment
Diary dates NatSIP working day – next date: Tuesday 4th June (Hamilton House) HoSS one day meeting event: “The Emerging Picture” Tuesday 18th June in Birmingham